Back up solutions

8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
Started looking at backing up my data better, I currently have my files/photos stored in Icloud and also have those backed up in Backblaze. Files and photos I value the most, if I wanted to back these up locally as well what are my options.

Ideally, I’d like some simple to maintain/setup and in the future the ability to a run Plex server on it.
Also just realised Backblaze doesn’t backup Icloud files even if they are downloaded to your Mac and you have no exclusions set. @Feek was it you that mentioned you used this? How do you back up all files and Photos?

Glad I check Backblaze as I assumed it would back them up...
I'm sure mine did and it also backed up the contents of my NAS as well. But I dumped Backblaze a couple of years ago so I have no idea what I did, sorry.
Apparently it’s a recent problem judging by Reddit.Do you mind me asking what your solution is now to back up photos & files?
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