Background Colour showing up on print

29 Aug 2003
West Midlands
How do I make a background colour show up on print outs?

Currently the background colour is purple on the website and I want it to print as purple but it prints as white any links that help will be great!
Tools - internet options - Advanced

Then look for print options and click print background and images.
I wont it so when people print out my site it prints it out as default without them having to go and into tools isn't there any code?
Conrad11 said:
Also, can you not setup a print css and put the background colour on that, or would that not work?
I've never tried because the very idea is absurd o.o...but I'd expect the default option of not printing background colours would apply whether the stylesheet is for screen, print, car door. Could be wrong though :)
Easy to do. Daft to do it.

It wastes ink and slows printing time down. Websites are usually printed off for their content, not their style.
It's for a business site and the people that will be printing it out will be large businesses and it'll look a lot more professional but it isnt the main background its a background inside a div tag!. :)

I dont think that they'll really care about small amounts of ink!

Thanks robmiller for that I'll try to do it later got other things to do currently :D
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Ever heard the phrase "printer friendly format" ;)

If you want a full-colour page then create a PDF version of whatever it is and offer that for download :)
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