background image, how big?

12 Feb 2006
just making a backgorund image in PS that will just be a couple of colours that will use the gradient tool to make it look good. Just wondering how big this image should be so that it is in the background for the whole image, and then streches until the size of the screen.

Just wondering if this image could not just be like 10px horizontal and then i just tell it to repeat to fit screen? or would that look silly?

also how do i get an image on my pc to be on a website? i know there is many ways of inserting images but everytime i try any way and type the address of it e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\Adaml\My Documents\Pictures\Hornypigs.jpg, it never loads but when i type a URL for an image say on googleimages it works fine?

thanks all
Phaser said:
background-image: url(images/IMAGENAME.jpg);

Thats if your images are in a folder called "images" on your host...

so your saying for the image to actually be on the wbeite i need it to be hosted somewhere then. but how would i preview the website?
Mr_L said:
In windows: right click HTML file > open with > select browser

no sorry i mean if the image i want to be on the website has to be hosted but as im only in first stages and the image isn't hosted somewhere how would i preview the look of the website as i'd need to see the image.

long shot but at the moment i am uploading all my photos as backup to my gmail space, do theses have URL's that i can just type in or would they need to go somewhere else? This seems really weird that it can't just load the image from my computer but the browser can load the HTML file from it
Mr^B said:
To preview the site (if it's doing anything with any server technology like ASP/PHP/SSI, etc), you'd need to be able to serve up the pages locally, so you'd need to be running some sort of web server locally (IIS, Apache, etc...)

i see, well i did try learning php a while ago and im still to finish, i did get the apache server but im
have forgot what to do.

At the moment though there is nothing that the site has, i was just trying to start with the background and then build from there and i can't even get the background to load up lol.
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