Background Noise

2 Sep 2006
Forest Grove, OR, 'Merica
Ok so last week I started hearing some background noise that was linked with the moving of my mouse and when computer was processing something.

I use a SB XFI...I took it out...reseated it in the slot after checking for dust...but the background static was still there. Then for no real reason I took the heatsink off the SPU, cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol, and reseated it with AS5..hehe. Not surprisingly, the sound was still there...and the heatsink seemed to be hotter, I assume because of the better thermal conductivity.

So I disabled the XFI and enabled my onboard sound....hmm..the static is there as well! This is am I correct to assume the static is not linked to the audio components? What can I do to fix this? Could it be my PSU? (Antec SmartPower 500w)

I'm kind of an audiophile so this is just driving me nuts.
Have you got any rogue cables near the back of your pc? When I plug something in and the cable gets close it makes similar noises. Also just do a qucik check to see if everything is fully plugged in.

Also, have you got a mic? Try muting it and unmuting it see if it helps.

As it seems to be linked to mouse movement it might be the cable prob, if your mouse has a cable that is.

Other than that I'm all out of ideas.
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