Backing up phpMyAdmin

6 Mar 2009
Hi Guys,

I have been looking for an automatic backup solution for phpMyAdmin and wondered if you guys could help.

While researching i found a program call phpMyBackupPro, but dont no what this program is like. Could someone suggest a reliable way to have automatic backups of the database.

I am currently running my in-house website on a windows 2003 server box if that helps.

Ok thanks i will look into this:)

I do an entire backup image of the server every night, does this also backup the database?? I have phpmyadmin installed on that server btw.

Cant seem to locate the database files on the server anywhere, probably just looking in the wrong place.

AS_Platium, found the location of the Database now. Thanks

As i said before there is a backup done every night with symantec backup exec. So if i backed up the files using this would that be enough or would i be better using something else?

Fez, thanks for the info.

Should run something along the lines of mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name > filename_to_export_to.sql

Could you run something like that in a.bat file and have it added in windows scheduler and use that as a scheduled backup??

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