Backing up VPS

Many hosts offer block-level backups services, for a price.

But IMO it totally depends upon the services installed on the VPS. If its a database server, generally these already have extensive support for performing automated backups. So all you need do is write some scripts that execute each night etc.

If it's an application server with very little custom configuration, then you probably don't need it backed up at all. If the worst was to happen, just reinstall and spend a few minutes reconfiguring. Done.

If however it's an app server with lots of custom configuration, and there is no obvious way to backup that configuration (like say an XML file or something) then yes a block-level VPS backup is probably what you'll need.

I view block-level VPS backup as the last resort.
Many hosts offer block-level backups services, for a price.

But IMO it totally depends upon the services installed on the VPS. If its a database server, generally these already have extensive support for performing automated backups. So all you need do is write some scripts that execute each night etc.

If it's an application server with very little custom configuration, then you probably don't need it backed up at all. If the worst was to happen, just reinstall and spend a few minutes reconfiguring. Done.

If however it's an app server with lots of custom configuration, and there is no obvious way to backup that configuration (like say an XML file or something) then yes a block-level VPS backup is probably what you'll need.

I view block-level VPS backup as the last resort.

Cheers for the reply. Currently my backups are overkill, hence why I wanted to get some views what other people do.

My main concern is if worst came to worst reconfiguring SQL server and restoring 100+ DBs, but I suppose its so rare that it would just be a sucky few hours of mad dash!
You'll find deployment easier too if you go about scripting stuff up front. We now use Amazon EC2 for most of our services, which allows you to just Snapshot an instance although it does have the annoying issue of having to bring the instance down in order to snapshot it.
Restoring 100+ DBs isn't difficult. You'd write a script (whether SQL, PowerShell or old school Batch... doesn't really matter, choose what you're most fluent with) to do it for you.

I know how to batch backup, but I don't know how to batch restore. Any good articles? Or can you give me an outline how to?
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