I back up all my images manually without any software. I keep the images in folders which I create after each 'shoot' and ordered using a date in the folder name.
2006-04-02 Beach
2006-04-05 Cordoba Street Shots
2006-04-10 Gig (SuperWookie)
and so on.
Basically I copy all these folders to an external hard disk, and occasionally I also burn a DVD with all the folders I can fit in, so my backup DVDs go in ranges of dates, 'April 2005 to August 2005' and so on.
One of the things I'd like to do is save just the RAW files in these folders not every jpeg or tiff I create while processing.
Is there some programme out there that could help me automate all this a little? Something aimed at DVD archives which creates sets adecuate for the size of a DVD would be great.
2006-04-02 Beach
2006-04-05 Cordoba Street Shots
2006-04-10 Gig (SuperWookie)
and so on.
Basically I copy all these folders to an external hard disk, and occasionally I also burn a DVD with all the folders I can fit in, so my backup DVDs go in ranges of dates, 'April 2005 to August 2005' and so on.
One of the things I'd like to do is save just the RAW files in these folders not every jpeg or tiff I create while processing.
Is there some programme out there that could help me automate all this a little? Something aimed at DVD archives which creates sets adecuate for the size of a DVD would be great.