Backup body - another 10D or 350D

19 Oct 2003
Olympia, WA, USA
Hey. I'm looking for advice from people who have had experience with Canon 10D and 350D SLRs. I'm going on a 3 week holiday soon and was thinking that it might be a good idea to get a backup SLR body.

I currently have a Canon 10D and was thinking that I could get a 350D for around £400, but then I saw that 10Ds go for about the same price second hand and this got me wandering if I would be better off with another 10D.

I know the 350D has a faster processor and higher resolution, but are there any major features that would be missing on the 350D?

Also, I know the 20D has much better AF than the 350D, is the same true that the 350D AF will be inferior to the 10D's AF?

Is it much more difficult to access functions on the 350D than the 10D? I've read reviews, but none of them seem to compare it to the 10D, just the 20D or 30D... and most say that there are functions hidden in menus instead of being accessible by dials and buttons.

I will see if I can try one out in a shop, but I can't learn a camera in the 10 minutes or so I would have to try it out.

I was thinking that I could get a 20D or 30D, but after considering it, I don't think it's worth the cash since I already have the 10D.

I'm probably being paranoid, but I really don't want to risk having the 10D die on me and wasting many photographic opportunities while on holiday.
Well, in my opinion the 350D is a really nice body, it does have very fast processing speed as you said and to my knowlage if any features are missing off of the 350D (compared to your 10D) then i really dont think they'll be totaly necessary for your holiday. Also, i tihnk that the 350D is lighter soooo i would just get a new 350D.
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