Backup Exec Speed

5 Oct 2004
Over time our backup using Backup Exec 11d seems to have lost a fair amount of performance

We used to get a job rate of around 7-800Mb/min now we are getting sub 500MB/min

The amount of data on the server hasn't increased vastly and its been defragged etc

Anyone experienced this?
Is the Server or Servers busy doing any thing other then backup at these times?

Also what has changed since you last noticee?

nope nothing else running as it is run overnight

Nothing has changed on the server really, the job rate has just declined over the last month or so
nope nothing else running as it is run overnight

Nothing has changed on the server really, the job rate has just declined over the last month or so

Hmmmm ive seen this happen to ours, not had time to look in to why probably down to fragmentation etc as it finishes well with in the window.

Ill have a proper look once i go back to work next week and let you know what i can find out.

I've heard that if you fully erase a tape the backup speed may be higher. Have you changed your tapes recently and are now on the 2nd / 3rd backup?
Some of our backups using Backup Exec 11d went very slowly. In the end it was down to fragmentation.

We had to use Diskeeper 2008 to get this sorted out... backups are now back to normal.
We have exactly the same problem, two identical servers (other than data obviously) with SDLT600 drives. Both backed up at something like 900MB/h and one's dropped off to a third of its original speed. Very odd.
Its to do with the way BE reports transfer speeds.
We use v12 here and have the same fault.
BE appears to use a very basic time devided by data transfered sum to get its speeds.
Unfortunatelly, if your doing a pre-scan, or its an inc or dif then it'll report the speed wrong.
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