Backuppc multi-core

1 Aug 2003
I've been having problems with nightly backups overrunning. Having looked at system resources, I saw that CPU use was the limiting factor.

As I understand it (which may well be wrong), when using rsync, the backed up data is compressed using gzip (with alternatives only being available for 'archive' function).

Would changing the binary location from /usr/bin/gzip to /bin/pigz mean that it started using multicore for rsync dumps?
rsync will compress the 'transfer', not the actual 'file'...if that makes sense? (apologies if that isn't what you meant)

From what I recall BackupPC does allow you to change the location of the binary for gzip so yeah, pointing it to pigz should do the trick

By default I believe it uses all cores, so you might want to start off using something like '-p 2'

Also, I've just noticed that you actually posted this on the 18th May so you have probably since figured this out....but I've typed it all now :p
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