Bacon rind

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
When I was a kid bacon almost always had rind on it. Now it never does. Since I started curing my own bacon all my bacon has rind on and it's so much better! Anyone else like the rind? I cut it off and eat it at the end :D

What about crackling on pork?
The only skin I like eating is that attached to chicken, and even then only from KFC or Nandos.
I'm a bit funny about pig rind and fat in general, i absolutely love crackling, but it has to be really crispy, same with bacon...dont like it when the fat it all gooey a soft still!
I gotta have my bacon really well done, love it when its all crunchy :)

Love cracking on pork too.
Do you smoke your own bacon too?
Not yet, still haven't got round to making the smoker.

You're not doing it right. Butcher bacon always has rind on to bump up the grammage.
No butcher here any more, I have to rely on the supermarkets :(

Regarding crackling I'm cooking a 4 hour roasted pork belly this weekend that's had its skin dried all this week, pics to follow!
Ooo I'll keep an eye out for that :)
I think the supermarkets tend to cut it off due to complaints about paying for fat instead of meat. Ive no basis for this assesment but i bet its not far off the mark.

You can still buy "rind on" in most places though but your bog standard bacon tends to have it cut off now.
I usually get rid of the rind, it's horrible. I can just about bear it if it's cooked to a black crispy state, but otherwise it goes in the bin.
I'll have it when crispy, which my mum cooks it like, but when I cook my own it never gets crispy like that, I think it'd set off the smoke alarm before it got to that stage!
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