Bad Boys 2

16 May 2004
I presume lots of you have seen it, but what a film.. Totaly action packed, great humour and good story.

I have seen it many times and am thinking about watching it tonight. Its, to me anyhow, one of those films I can see over and over again.. Never get bored of it..
Smith and Lawrence make a great duo. I hope they make a few more movies together..

Your thoughts.
Nitefly said:
I thought it had one of the most totally over the top chase scenes I have ever seen.

Good popcorn munching action, but at least half an hour too long.

I thought that too. about it being long.. The thing is I was under the impression it was nearly over BEFORE they went to Cuba..:confused: With the Cuban assualt (which was top stuff) I never realised it went on for so long.. Still top film and like other poster mentioned. Pop corn stuff:D

Deffo going to stick it on tonight..
Apart from Leathal weapons movies not a greta deal I dont think. Bad Boys 2 rocks.

The whole film.

The bit I like most is where ML is in the room hearing about his sister being taken to cuba and the rest of the "Team" walk in and say somthing like;

"Looks like you about to do something stupid, we`re in" (or like that)

The camera movement and sound and the togetherness of the group really gets a lump in my thoat.. Great stuff.
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