Bad Day LA demos out!!!

I must say im not all that impressed, the fact that I couldn't reassign controls or alter the mouse sensitivity put me off from the word go.

But cheers for the link dave, I always like to try out new games before i spot it in a store and think "mmm, that looks fun" only to be dissapointed.
BloodWolf said:
Its been out for 2 days now, I'm not as hyped as I was when I first saw it :(

heard it sucks
any idea where you can get it from?
i've searched gameplay, ******** and that ****** website but no luck :-/
if its got a reasonable pricetag i might pick it up... its a laugh and is a nice change in pace to regular shooters
i didnt think it was too bad, the only thing that totally annoyed me was the way they talked, been all gansta -=/
Quantic said:
Have you even played the demo? Or did you just 'hear' it sucks?
i know silly aint it people hear something about a game and belive it instead of trying it for themselves, like i heard LFS S2 was awsome so i tryed it and didnt agree
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