Bad scores on benchmarks, help!

Screenshot doesn't work mate. You need to upload it to Imgur or similar, then do a link. We can't access your HDD...

To start with, get into control panel in Windows and make sure you're not set to power-saving mode.
Hmm. Yep, it's there, but pretty small and blurry..

Your RAM- is it in the correct slots on the mobo? Most will specify in the manual to use A2 and B2 slots for a dual-stick kit. You'll get bad performance if they're in A1 and B1.
This would in turn drag everything else down...
Could we get a view from HWMon as well? It's a good hardware monitor and will show us temperatures and voltages, both of which could cause hardware throttling if there's an issue.
Can you post your system specs please, from what I can make out of that first image, your ram is what is seriously under performing in your system, looks like you have an Amd cpu, they have always preferred faster ram to get their performance up.
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