Bad whites on the LG GL850-B?

18 Oct 2002
I've had said monitor for about a week now I cant really decide if I should keep it. It has pretty severe bleed in the bottom left corner even at a brightness of 20.

I've just hooked up my old AOC Q2770Pqu to compare side by side and i'm shocked by how bad white looks on the LG. On the AOC the whites are nice and clean and bright and on the LG they're a dirty yellow. The only setting i've changed on the LG is turning the brightness down and i've tried using .icc profiles but they didn't change anything.

Anyone else have any colour issues with their GL850?
I had the same problem with my 27gl83a which is pratically the same as the 850. The colors were out of balance with far too much red. I'd spent a month trying to calibrate the colors but in the end i found the soulution. You have to claibrate the colors outputted by the gfx card rather than the display. The gamma is precalibrated in gamma mode 2 to be 2.2 which is ideal.

You have to type calibrate color display in the search bar next to the start menu button and then start the program. Leave the gamma because as i said gamma mode 2 is precalibrated. At the end you'll have the chance to lower the gfx cards color levels. When your done the program makes your own custom icc profile based on what you inputted. Ideally you want your actual monitor setting to be as close to r 50 g 50 b 50 as possible.

It took me a few trys but in end this made what was a pretty dispointing monitor into a great monitor.

I ended up sending the monitor back, not so much for the colours but the back light bleed and text looking rubbish compared to my old monitor.
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