badblocks type software for windows

Spinrite will run outside of Windows or Linux and is very good for recovering data or testing drives for failures. It's not free but worth paying for.

You could always just use a Linux boot CD and run badblocks from there?

I think CHKDSK /R /F is pretty good for most users and it's free. It will store bad blocks or useful information in event viewer when Windows boots back up, if you're checking a system drive.
chkdsk /r (scan for bad sectors) includes /f (attempts to fix errors), there's no harm in using it but it won't do anything extra.

chkdsk /b is probably what you're looking for, it clears the table of bad sectors and rescans (the rescan inclueds the /f /r options), /b only works on NTFS volumes though so if it's using another filesystem what Nemiyem suggested, Spinright, would probably be the best option (or just a Linux live USB).
thanks i just wanted to stress the drive before using it in unraid as a cache drive
I'm not that up to speed on unraid (I've only been looking into it of late as an alternative to a nas) but isn't that was preclear (might be a plugin) for from within unraid?
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