Baldur's Gate 3

26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire

Confirmed for PC (Steam, GOG possibly EGS) and Google Stadia

Larian wants BG3 to be the ultimate DnD game.

Unfortunately, Larian didn’t reveal when we’ll get to delve into Baldur’s Gate 3. Nor is it clear whether the game will be available when Google Stadia launches in ‘fall’ (third-quarter) 2019. That would be pretty exciting, but if you aren’t down with the search company’s streaming service, it’s also coming to PC.
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26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
It'd be very brave of them to do something wildly different to the first 2. I can't imagine why they'd acquire such a cult IP if they weren't planning to honour it.

Still, I'm often surprised.
26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
As I say, its a definite day one purchase for me but thats pretty much only because I loved Divinity Original Sin 2 and I'm looking at this as a Divinity Original Sin 3 but set in the Baldurs Gate world and using D&D 5e rules. Its a win/win for me, but I do expect a fairly significant number of the Baldurs Gate fans to avoid the game, which is a shame really because a good game is a good game. Unless of course they are both Baldurs Gate fans and people who also did not like Divinity OS 2, in which case it makes sense.

I wouldn't suggest it's not going to be a good game, but real time combat on the D+D rulebook, using dice rolls is literally the core of Baldur's Gate. You could have made this game with any name and it would have been a great game, but by specifically using Baldur's Gate 3, you're not only trying to appease fans of a series, you're insinuating that it's going to be of a similar ilk.

It's like buying the Ferrari brand and releasing a new model but instead of the Italian horsepower, you've stuck some Japanese turbocharged lump in it. Yeah it says Ferrari on it, but you're not going to fool anyone and you definitely can't say "well we weren't expecting that reaction".

I'm not even judging the game, I'll play it and hope to be pleaseany surprised. But these are bold choices, and it's no shock people aren't reacting well.
26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
I haven't touched 5e outside one session of LMOP. But I'm also not interested in this as a DND game, I'm interested in it as a Baldur's Gate game. I play BG1+2 through annually, and was excited for more.

You can both say I'm wrong for judging Larian for its take on DND (OK fine, a lot of it might be WOTCs input), but I get to choose what I'm looking for in a product, and its fine for me to be disappointed in aspects.

Edit: I'm also very specifically not writing it off. I hated Neverwinter Nights on its release and I think my comments are archived here somewhere, but ended up enjoying it eventually. I'm just sounding off things as they come up, and the alignment system is a big draw for me.
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