Ballistix 2-Gig PC4000 / Any POSITIVE comments?

16 May 2005
Ballistix 2-Gig PC4000 sets are currently going through a very bad patch with totaly negative threads etc! They appear to have been going bad for some time now and I was wondering if anybody can ballance this up a bit! ;)

Come on, somebody must have a set which have been performing well for more than a couple of months? :(

Please post and give me hope that mine will continue to do the business and not die a slow death!!!!!! :eek:
Chris19 said:
not yet am going to put it up soon waiting untill i get something to cool them

I've found a 120 (Akasa Amber but it don't realy matter) wedged so it blows directly onto the sticks (from above if you see what I mean) keeps them lovely and cool :cool:

However, I have tried tight timings with a little success. I managed 250 with 2.5,2,2,6 1T and it was ok but not quite as stable as 3,3,3,6 1T and didn't make any difference in 3D06! :( Dissapointed!

Anyhow I am totaly stable with 250 @ 3,3,3,6 1T so I keep it there for normal use.
Thanks for the imfo' Dirk. I've run these at 2.9v and 3.0v briefly without a lot of improvement. I think you have to be lucky and find the fastest sets but I'm going to pop over and have a look at your links. Mebe I can get a bit more but, like yourself, I don't want to blow the ones I've got :eek:
Slap said:

AFWIW, I gave up on raincoats a long time ago


OOh! Now that is nasty :eek:
Dirk said:
It's probably more likely a bit of a lottery tbh. I'd love to know the percentage of surviving kits vs faulty kits though. Then we'd have more idea of our chances!

Sort of hoping to get some idea by starting this thread. I havn't seen anybody getting more that a 'few' months out of a set (is 4 months really the longest?) and although things move on quickly in hardware, I do like to keep my bits going for at least 18 months.

p.s. I just noticed how that fits in perfect with the pic in post above doesn't it :o
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