Ballistix failed again!

16 May 2005
I'm on my second set of 2Gig Bolloxistix and one has just failed totally. The machine BSOD'd, I checked the memory for temps and barely warm (120mm fan blowing on the memory). On restarting, the PC was just Beeping so I got worried that the CPU had failed or summat but found one stick has totaly failed and the other is still working? I've never had a stick die completely before but have been running this mem on 2T for a few months to prevent BSOD's! I just didn't expect it to die so completely.

Oh well! here goes another RMA to Crucial. What fun :mad:
Crucial have excellent Customer Support!

:) Well, I rang yesterday and posted mem off. The guy was, as always for Crucial, helpful and accomodating. I told him I only want to run at 250 with 1T and he said I should have got 1T and possibly up to 280 with a 3700 SD CPU (this set stopped doing 1T some time ago). He also said that Ballistix are now ok as the "die" problem has been addressed so here's hoping for better stuff.
Incidentally, I've had no problem with Crucial RMAing memory twice now despite the fact that I purchased from OCUK and they are supposedly going to refund my postage cost this time? :eek:
Also, I have purchased a total of over a dozen sticks of Crucial memory over the years and NONE has ever let me down before Ballistix, so lets keep a ballance view and hope they can sort this stuff out! ;)
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Crucial customer service

;) Crucial must have the best cusomer service in existance.

Monday: I rang for an RMA number then posted off faulty sticks with a note detailing postage costs.

Tuesday: I ring in response to an email asking for credit card details for postage refund and am told my sticks have arrived and, as I am away at end of week, the new parts will be despatched immediately.

Wednesday: Today :eek: Woken by Postie with my new Ballistix @ 10:00 a.m. Installed, tested and working fine at the desired 250 @ 3, 3, 3, 6, 1T :cool:

Awsome service, as always, from Crucial! And I bought this mem from OCUK? So top marks, I just hope they have cured the problems with Ballistix :rolleyes:
I'me just jealous Amidar!

Amidar said:
Well my 2 x 1GB PC4000 Ballistix will be 1 year old this september :eek: and still running fine with 1T timings @ 2.8v i thought they would have died by now.

What are the rest of the settings for your mem, CPU etc?
Tommiho, try this

Try each stick individualy with memtest then do the BF2 test? That is does one stick or the other fail whilst playing BF2 single player? Usualy works for me!
Tommiho said:
Guys is it ok to have some errors or they shouldn’t be at all? And what is procedure with crucial, do they test memory and after that decide whether to refund you or deny request? Do they change memory, refund you just because you ask them?

You should not get ANY errors but make sure you have some cooling, at least a fan blowing onto your Ballistix, 'cause they can get BALLISTERINGLY HOT :cool:
As for Crucial, ring them and talk to the nice people, they will give you fair and honest advice on what to try next or if you can safely RMA your memory. ;)
New Stock?

PyroboyUK said:
I have had the same problem with my ballistix. One stick is on RMA at the mo and i think one is on its way out now. I cant keep going on like this, if 2 sticks have went now i dont think it was faulty i think just un-reliable. the ram is still under warrenty, what if i phone OC UK and told em i had enough of this ram would they swap it for some better stuff or woud i have to keep the Crucial and buy some more RAM?

Crucial say they have now fixed the problems so it may be worth trying one more RMA for both sticks?

Edleake said:
This is mad, I've been running Crucial 3200 in my rigs for years, my current vanilla 1GB sticks are running at 260MHz and have been for some time, no problems.

Yet I read quite often the Ballistix fail constantly and are twice the price!

I have used about a dozen stick and these Balliatix are the only ones ever to fail :(
My 2700's ran at 3200 with tight timings and I have a 2 GIG pair of 3200's which will run at 4000 speeds and tight timings?
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