Balloon, Fun Fair and Tilt/Shift

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter









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Lovely set, really like the colours in the first one but personally not sure about the crop, my eyes keep following the chains downward only to get cut off by the image edge.

All the swing ones are great and can immediately identify who you were capturing in the scene.

Were the night ones taken hand held or tripod/monopod?
lol, that was what i was going for, the chain at the top, the alternative was this.


at the bottom...


Yes, they are different processing :p

and yup, tripod for the night shows :)
Sorry Raymond, but they don't do it for me.

I can see what you're trying to do, but the out of focus sections are too busy and distracting pulling the eye all over the place.

Not your best shots by a long chalk.
Love the colours, hate the effect sorry :(

Surely that can be done as quickly with a blur layer in ps? Still interested to see where this goes when you have had more practice but not my cup of tea :)
Lol, that's fine. Can't help much with the busy out of focus aspect as it was packed with people.

The point of the exercise was really to get myself used to the lens in an unpredictable shooting environment with people as it is a manual focus lens.
Love the colours, hate the effect sorry :(

Surely that can be done as quickly with a blur layer in ps? Still interested to see where this goes when you have had more practice but not my cup of tea :)

Tilt/shift is not everyone's cup of tea, probably because it is not an every day lens, I only know of one of other photographer who has it. Plus it is not how our eyes see the world, the lens basically is distorting the world as we see it.

The popular blur effect that came about as a result of those toy town looking photos, and people wanted to copy it in their computer who can't afford a T/S lens.

Then it spread like wild fire, i remember I tried it too !

The point of a Tile/shift is the total ability of control the focal plane, not making toy towns. People just seem to relate tilt/shift to that exclusively which is very misunderstood, that is just a by-product of its effect.

You can't fake this below. The focal plane is running from the door handle do the fence. it is clear where it intersect and out of focus where things are not.


The aim is to have even more control of the focal plane than a regular lens. Not just depth of field, but also direction.

And there is also the shift aspect which I haven't used.
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The TS lenses are immense for indoor shots of rooms. I know quite a few estate agents who use them, plus some photographers who earn a living out of photographing interiors of buildings.

Personally I like the effect as you can utilise the best of a long macro lenses bokeh effects into shooting things at any range with having an even finer level of control. I'm gonna rent one of them later this year when I get some serious deposable income and look at potentially buying depending on how that goes!
I really like #2, 3, 5 and #8. The balloon shots are cool, and perfect for this lens :)

I really like the last one you've posted, although I think it's better with the left cropped off. It doesn't sit right in my mind with her in focus, waving at someone which you can't see as they're out of focus (even though who she's waving at probably isn't even the person there!).
Nice pics, damn you, added the lens to the wish list :P

On another note, have you used the 16-35mm mkii and 17-40? Stuck between one or the other when I get a 5D MKIII...
I have the 16-35 mk1, but not tried the other 2 you mention, might upgrade at some point but it works fine and it's 2.8 which is what I want. The 17-40 supposed to be sharp with less distortion but it's F4, the mkii has even less distortion but it's twice what I paid for my mk1.

One day, there are more important things before upgrading this.
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