Bamboo A1 for a newcomer?

23 Mar 2011
I have 0 experience with 3D printing, but have admired it from a far. Kind of fancy a new hobby and maybe it's something I can enjoy with my 2 boys aswell

Just wondering where to start and see this model gets recommended a lot?

I also don't really have experience with 3D modelling.

Where would be the best place to start? Also kind of interested from a work point of view. An engineer / machinist by day and have some experience with cad/cam which may translate in a way

Any tips on where to start or am I way off with the above model etc?

It is pretty much one of the go to starter printers isn't it? I was making plans for one, to make sensory switches for my son and possibly his old school (they get through so many and get charged silly money because 'special needs education'). Also so many other things we could make that would help useful or fun.

Plans have gone out of the window for now due to a rent increase.
Do you want to learn about 3d printing, or do you want to model something, hit print and it appear?
I bought an A1 as my first FDM (I had done resin printing a while ago).... For the most part, it does "just work"... There's a few hurdles, cleaning the build plate and getting the temperature right. FB and Reddit are pretty active, just a little toxic.
Primarily I print wargaming terrain and other bits and pieces (cool wall light setup that I need to finish my thread on). My eldest son uses the printer to prototype engineering designs he does for school.
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