Ban Dilemma

29 May 2005
West London
Hi there,

I had a summons for last Tuesday which I did not attend and submitted medical evidence for (which was relevant to why I was speeding). I received a letter thanking me for sending it in and they will take it into account.

I was caught doing 100mph on a 70mph, I have ulcerative colitis which means I need the toilet fast sometimes, so I sent them a letter from my professor etc.

I was under the impression I would be told in a letter if I got banned rather than it being imposed immediately.

I continued to drive. Today I got pulled over for a random check and got asked to submit my documents to the police. Now I am in a bit of a mess...

I phoned police stations now and they dont seem to know if you tick the box pleading guilty and not to attend wether the imposed ban (if it was imposed) is valid from court date or a day in the letter.

Now there's a possibility I have been driving whilst banned. I have to phone up the court tommorrow asking what their decision was last Tuesday, I really wish I phoned them and didn't listen to my friend who said wait for the letter...

What do I do, and what are my options if this is the case...what was the likely hood i was banned given my medical circumstance and I had no previous motoring conviction?

I was given a NIP with 2 options to attend or not. I chose not to because I wanted to submit my mitigating circumstances.

At the moment I have no idea, I haven't got a letter or anything. My friend told me I would be sent one with the outcome and to wait for it. However I am worrying this isn't the case.

The fine or points is not my problem at the moment. The worry is being banned. 100mph on a 70mph, first offence, on a downhill, considering my medical circumstance? Also does the fact that they issued the NIP 5 months after the incident mean they don't take it as being serious?
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Well the person I spoke to said I was lucky, she said someone got a far larger fine and a ban for doing a slightly lower speed on the same phew
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