Banana plug covers

25 Nov 2004
Hi all

I am looking to buy replacement covers for my banana plugs as most of mine are broken. I don't want to buy the whole banana plug, just the red/black covers but I cannot seem to find them for sale anywhere. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I think you are going to be out of luck. Banana plugs IMO these days are either dirt cheap Chinese gold painted ones with no name on them,or the branded ones that are 'better quality' (for want of better words to describe them) that cost 3x/4x/5x/6x etc but still made in China. :rolleyes: Either way the threads on them wont be standardized. You'll get them on or you won't. This is hard earned advice from someone (me) who has bought many sets of banana plugs over the years (from my local hi-fi shop, a chain electronic store & the internet) & found banana plugs with plastic covers aren't a long term purchase. The last banana plug purchase was a set of Sewell plugs off the rain forest last year. Not cheap but certainly better quality than the type I think you are looking for.
Thanks for the answers/advice guys. I guess a decent alternative would be some red/black shrink wrap? The banana plugs themselves are soldered onto the cable (Vanne Damme Blue 2.5mm) and pretty sturdy so I just want it for identification purposes and to protect the solder/join a little bit.
Yeah, I'd use some heat shrink. Can always apply a few layers if you are looking for some added protection and support for the solder joint.

Buying covers for your existing banana plugs, would be like looking to buy just a cover for an electrical plug, in that both are things are just sold as they are; complete.
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