Band name needed

21 Apr 2004
Sunny Wales
I've just formed a band with a few mates and we're struggling to come up with a name. The stuff we play is largely indie, though with an occasional classic rock track thrown in. Only two name's have been considered so far, but I feel we could do better. The current front-runners are:-

The Materazzi's
Heads up Zizu
The Not Ready's

Any suggestions welcome as they can't be any worse than ours!
If you have some cool guitar rifts and nice chilled tracks too I would say something like 'moonlite sunset' or 'hiddem mosaic' might be cool.

If you write songs with darker lyrics like:

In crimson rivers I made my home,
In the depths of shadows i live alone,
My mind an abyss in which I raom,
Come to me
Come to me
Your soul I will make my own

Then you got to have a band name with a sense of forbodding, madness or darkness say something like 'Blood made pure' or 'my sweet insanity'

If you just close your eyes and listen to your band im sure names will starting flooding your mind and something will spring into your thought and stay there.
Best of luck bud
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