Bands that never *Quite* made it.

7 Jan 2004
I'm sat here watching a DVD of my favourite band. Well done you may say. The thing is, my favourite band never really made it. I think they are great, I belt out their tunes with gusto, and I will never get bored of them. Their music makes me feel good, or sad or whatever. They are brilliant.

That is, of course, MY opinion.

Now, I would like to know who your favourite band is that never *REALLY* made it to the big time but should have!

My nomination is GENE.

Brilliant band, Martin Rossiter is a legend. I've seen them 3 times in various places. They had a few top tens, but never really cracked the big time, and I think they should have done far better!

Who is yours? And why?

Belmit said:
I'll never understand why Shed 7 weren't massive. They produced some of the greatest pop-rock tunes of the 90's, and in my opinion released their best album in 2004.

Sadly now gone, there's some solace in the form of new band Rick Witter & the Dukes who are as good as Shed 7 ever were and of course sound the same thanks to having the same frontman. The new album 'The Year of the Rat' is awesome and the songs are better than 95% of what's in the charts, but again they'll almost certainly never be 'big'.

Yep, they were class. As said above, 'On Standby' is in my all time favourites list. I think I'll check out the other band you mention to see what the crack is!

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