Bang for buck camera for a total noob?

5 Dec 2007
Harrow, London
Hello, good people of photography and video. I'm after a bit of advice for a camera for a total beginner.
I've never really owned a digital camera, only phone cameras. However I think it may be time to get something decent, as I have a big holiday to Asia coming in the next year and I want something decent to take photos with. I'm also a complete saddo and like plane spotting down at Heathrow airport, so I would like a camera with some decent zoom and the ability to take photos of moving targets without turning into a massive blurry mess.
I have no idea where to start mind you. My camera knowledge extends as far as point it at something you wish to photograph and press a button. I'm guessing to get the most out of a camera I need to know how to adjust...settings and things and that I should probably try and learn the basics.
I have a budget of about £250 and I'm after something with a good amount of optical zoom and that is fairly idiot proof to begin with but can also be fairly powerful with a bit of learning. It would also be nice if it could do 1080p60 video. Should I be looking at some sort of decent midrange compact for this kind of money? I don't mind going used if it's the best value for money. Finally, are there any decent resources on the net to learn a bit about the basics of photography? Thanks.
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Something like the Panasonic FZ72 or FZ200 should fit the bill nicely.

The advantage of the FZ200 is that it has a better lens than the FZ72 (f2.8 constant vs f2.8-5.9). The FZ72 has more MP in the same sensor size though, although this could result is noisier images.
Guess a lot depends on what you want! Do you want an interchangeable lens system that can grow with you or something with a fixed lens with a great range but a lesser sensor like above?

If interchangeable lenses interest you I'd look out for a second hand Nikon d3200 and kit lens then add something longer 70-300mm at a later date.
Well it's not really my intention to get into photography seriously. I'm really just after something that can take good quality photos in most situations. I don't really want to be hauling around lenses the size of canons or anything like that.
The FZ200 writeup looks really good.
Am I allowed to promote a camera I am shortly about to sell in the MM that could suitably fit your need/knowledge skill? Anyway just placed it in the Members Market. See how it compares to the Panasonic?
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