Bank of England, Sterling and Government Treason

16 Dec 2008
Bank of England, Sterling and Government Treason
Mike Robinson

Many people believe that the Bank of England is a privately owned corporation. Many people believe that it’s owned by the Rothchilds.

Neither of these beliefs is true.

The truth is much worse.

The story of the Bank of England is the story of the British Empire. The British Empire was never a political empire. It was always a monetary financial empire, as much a parasite on the people of Great Britain as the rest of the world. The idea of the Victorian’s British Empire bringing civilisation to the darkest parts of the world is one that needs real reconsideration by many Britons.

The Bank of England was originally set up as a core part of the British Empire - making huge profits from loans to the British East India Company and other tendrils of the Great British parasite. The mainstays of the trading activities of these companies were drugs, warfare and the looting of raw materials from poverty stricken nations.

As the banker to the Government, the Bank also did quite nicely from lending to the Treasury, thank you very much. In those days, the profits of the Bank went into the hands of the shareholders.

In 1844, the Rothschild inspired desire to take complete control of Britain came true with the Bank Charter Act. This gave the Bank of England the monopoly on the production of Sterling, and control of Britain’s money supply. In Northern Ireland and Scotland, where to this day commercial banks are allowed to print their own money, they must have one Bank of England note in reserve for every note of their own that they issue.

1946 brought the “nationalisation” of the Bank. At the end of WWII, Britain was more or less bankrupt, so it was agreed that instead of paying cash for the shares of the Bank, shareholders would receive 3% Treasury stock instead. With the 1946 Bank of England Act, all the Bank shares were transferred into the possession of the Treasury solicitor, and there they are to this day. It remains a corporation, not a government department.

In 1977, the Bank set up a wholly owned subsidiary called BANK OF ENGLAND NOMINEES LIMITED, (BOEN), a private limited company, no. 1307478, with 2 of its 100 £1 shares issued. According to its Memorandum & Articles of Association, its objectives are;-

“To act as Nominee or agent or attorney either solely or jointly with others, for any person or persons, partnership, company, corporation, government, state, organisation, sovereign, province, authority, or public body, or any group or association of them….”

Bank of England Nominees Limited was granted an exemption by Edmund Dell, Secretary of State for Trade, from the disclosure requirements under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 , because, “it was considered undesirable that the disclosure requirements should apply to certain categories of shareholders.”

Add that to the fact that the Bank of England is protected from prying eyes by its “Royal Charter” status and the Official Secrets Act. What have we got here?

In 1998, the final piece of the puzzle fell into place. In return for fixing the 1997 elections and getting New Labour into power, the Government enacted the 1998 Bank of England Act, which gave the Bank’s Court of Directors complete independence with regard to monetary policy.

So if we add this all together, we have a nationally owned institution which has the monopoly in the production of the national currency, and has independent control of the country’s monetary policy in the hands of a Court of Directors who serve the private banking system as they have since the Bank was established.

Think about it - private banking control of our currency and monetary policy, fully independent of government. When Gordon Brown signed away government oversight of the Bank, he committed Treason on a scale not seen in Britain since the Heath government took us into what would become the EU.

Since 1998 we have seen the Bank rapidly inflate the money supply, while at the same time relaxing regulation on how banks could lend. No longer were banks required to have cash in reserve for loans they made. Instead the vast majority of currency entering the economy did so as a result of commercial banks entering some numbers into a ledger - money out of thin air, literally.

Working for the private bankers, the Bank of England set things up to maximise the returns for their banking colleagues’ speculative activities, in the full knowledge that as a nationalised institution, it would be the UK taxpayer who was carrying all the risk, and not, as would have been the case before 1946, the shareholders.

The Court of Directors is working for the Anglo/Dutch/Saudi empire - the still-alive-and-kicking hidden hand behind the British Empire of the Victorian age. So it’s no surprise that the solution they provide to today’s manufactured monetary financial collapse is to print more money. Their aim is to destroy the last vestiges of British sovereignty; for a hyper-inflated and hyper-devalued Sterling to be replaced by a single, global, currency, under a single world fascist government.

Gordon Brown announced the new financial infrastructure at the G20. He announced the new global currency - to be issued and managed by the newly reinvigorated IMF.

This has to be stopped. It has to be stopped now. We want our country back, before there’s no country left. We want our country back from the parasites that use one square mile of London as their base of operations. Back in a way it hasn’t been for about 250 years. Join is in this fight - come to the next British Constitution Group conference in London on the 13th June, and find out what you can do.
16 Dec 2008
lol, you guys crack me up... if ever i need a 'pick me up' i just need to read your responses to threads like this.

Nope, lets not research or debate anything in the article that would be too educated; lets just label it a 'conspiracy' because it contains more information than your brain cares to comprehend lets all go back to discussing Jade Goody and wether or not double decker diffusers should be permitted , nothing to see here, move along.
16 Dec 2008
You didn't give us your take on it, you just cut n' pasted something.

of course i didnt, im just here to pass on the info for people who have the ability to look beyond the box... there was a time when i would have posted my comments to this but their is no point, hardly anyone debates you on points as you can see, hardly anyone picks up on any issue suggested and researches it themselves and comes to a conclusion - most, as you can see just dust of the age old 'conspiracy' term or the good old 'tin foil' line, just like someone in the 70s would have been called a 'communist' for suggesting that the government are controlled by the people who control the fiat money supply, i mean what a crazy idea, people who have majority of the worlds wealth actually conspiring to ensure their own gains and interests are maintained.. i mean, thats just pure madness, we have never been exploited by the people who control the world, i mean who would think of such an outlandish 'conspiracy theory'.

The government and the worlds elite have always loved all of humanity and want us all to have as much money as possible and all live long, comfortable lives, thats a fact and everyone knows it and anyone who says otherwise is a dirty commie.


oh, look heres Max Kaiser explaining some of the financial terrorism that has been going on...

16 Dec 2008
Keltik THC & Pilky01.

Please give us your insight (with sources and facts) on exactly how the Bank of England fixed the 1997 elections.


[DOD]Asprilla;13882860 said:
I asked you how the BoE fixed the 1997 election and I'd also be interested to hear more about how the Saudis were behind Britain's Victorian expansion plans.

i havent researched these points in depth myself, the reason i posted this article was in relation to a number of debates that had happened previously regarding if the BoE was privatley owned or not.

Most people seem to cling to the mainstream media line that its controlled by the government, but (this illustrates one of the reasons i ignore Evangelicon and most other posters) even when people like me post links to the BoEs own website that has its history where it admits that it answers to no one, not the tresury not the government, they just deny it. No matter even if the FED and the BoE admit, and they do, that they answer to no one people like the above will still deny it as they have invested to heavily into a belief that they cannot break that tunnel point view, you should be skeptical of everything but not to the point of dismissing anything you dont like as outright lies, you should always do a bit of investigating first, and Evangelicon, if you are reading this that means more that just going and wiki'ing a few choice terms.

But if you give me a couple of days, ill reserach into this guys claims that the 1997 elections were fixed (would it suprise you if they were?) and what the Saudis had to do with the Victorian expansion plans.

but come on, bring up a concern in regards to the banking issue.
16 Dec 2008
Special Drawing Rights have been around for some time. I don't like the IMF or the World Bank either - but that's more to do with their "Washington Consensus", some of their Structural Adjustment Programmes, and other policies of enslaving the third world than anything else.

yeah, theirs nothing to worry about the IMF will save us :(
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