BankTransaction cannot be resolved to a type

8 Jan 2009
Northern Ireland
Can't get my head round this. It's either a typo or a problem, can anybody have a look.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class classpractice7_1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String response;
String moreBankingBusiness;

moreBankingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Do you want to do some banking?" );
moreBankingBusiness = moreBankingBusiness.toUpperCase();
while (moreBankingBusiness.equals ("YES")){
response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "What would you like to do?" +
"(1=Deposit, 2=Withdraw, 3=Get Balance)");
if (response == null)
(null, "You clicked on the Cancel Button");
System.exit (0);
if (response.equals(""))
(null, "You must make an entry in the InputBox");
System.exit (0);
if (Integer.parseInt(response) < 1 | Integer.parseInt(response) > 3)
(null, response + " - is not a valid student type");
System.exit (0);
if (Integer.parseInt (response) == 1){
BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
if (Integer.parseInt (response) == 2){
BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
if (Integer.parseInt (response) == 3){
BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
moreBankingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Do you have more banking business?" );
moreBankingBusiness= moreBankingBusiness.toUpperCase();
} // end of while

(null, "Thanks for banking with us!");
But if BankTransaction isn't a class it wont have the makeWithdrawal() methods or any functionality. Putting 'String BankTransaction' wont help.

I do like the way you've copied and pasted some other code though :)

"What would you like to do?" +
"(1=Deposit, 2=Withdraw, 3=Get Balance)"


response + " - is not a valid student type");
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I do like the way you've copied and pasted some other code though


"What would you like to do?" +
"(1=Deposit, 2=Withdraw, 3=Get Balance)"


response + " - is not a valid student type");

na, never copied and pasted that, that's mine. BankTransactions is a class, that's why I put the other methods in, ie getBalance etc. But it should work.
I just meant that you prompt for banking stuff and then respond with not a valid student type.

In that case back to slylittlefox's question:
"Where do you define the class BankTransaction?? "
I think I was pushing my luck with the 'BankTransactions', were I would be better off just doing this, I know this works.

if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 1) {
if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 2) {
if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 3) {
This is an program i did a few weeks ago, and this compiles with no problems,

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

* Created on Sep 3, 2009
* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates

* @author Robin Bredin
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class classpracyice6_2 {
static double balance = 0;
static double newBalance = 0;
static double adjustment = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
String response;
String moreBanKingBusiness;
moreBanKingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "DO you want to do some banking?" );
moreBanKingBusiness = moreBanKingBusiness.toUpperCase();
while (moreBanKingBusiness.equals ("YES")){
response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "What would you like to do?, (1=Deposit, 2=Withdraw, 3=Get Balance)");
if (response == null)
(null, "You clicked on the Cancel button");
System.exit (0);
if (response.equals(""))
(null, "You must make an entry in the InputBox");
System.exit (0);
if (Integer.parseInt(response) < 1 | Integer.parseInt(response) > 3)
(null, response + " - is not a valid banking function");
System.exit (0);

if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 1) {
if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 2) {
if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 3) {

moreBanKingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Do you have more banking buiness?" );
moreBanKingBusiness = moreBanKingBusiness.toUpperCase();
} //end of while loop
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thanks for banking with us!");
System.exit (0);
} // end of main

private static void makeDeposit(){
adjustment = Double.parseDouble
(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Deposit Amount" ));
newBalance = balance + adjustment;
(null, "*** My National Bank ***\n\n" +
"Old Balance is: " + balance + "\n" +
"Adjustment is: +" + adjustment + "\n" +
"New Balance is: " + newBalance + "\n");
balance = newBalance;

private static void makeWithdrawal() {
adjustment = Double.parseDouble
(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Withdrawal Amount" ));
newBalance = balance - adjustment;
(null, "*** My National Bank ***\n\n" +
"Old Balance is: " + balance + "\n" +
"Adjustment is: -" + adjustment + "\n" +
"New Balance is: " + newBalance + "\n");
balance = newBalance;

private static void getBalance(){
(null, "*** My National Bank ***\n\n" +
"Your Current Balance is: " + balance );
OK, so I don't do java but in your original you will need something like this:

public class BankTransaction {
  public static void makeDeposit() {
    //make deposit stuff
  public static void makeWithdrawal() {
    //makeWithdrawal stuff
  public static void getBalance() {
    //getBalance stuff

Do you have something like that?
Hi There is a few errors lines under Banktransactions for withdrawal

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class classpractice7_1 {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
          	String response;
          	String moreBankingBusiness;
          	moreBankingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
			  ( "Do you want to do some banking?" );
          	moreBankingBusiness = moreBankingBusiness.toUpperCase();
          	while (moreBankingBusiness.equals ("YES")){
          		response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
				( "What would you like to do?" +
					"(1=Deposit, 2=Withdraw, 3=Get Balance)");
          	if (response == null)
				   (null, "You clicked on the Cancel Button");
          		System.exit (0);
          	if (response.equals(""))
				  (null, "You must make an entry in the InputBox");
          		System.exit (0);
          	if (Integer.parseInt(response) < 1 | Integer.parseInt(response) > 3)
				    (null, response + " - is not a valid student type");
          		System.exit (0);
 public class BankTransaction {
          public static void makeDeposit() {
          	if (Integer.parseInt (response) == 1){
          		BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
          public static void makeWithdrawal() {
            if (Integer.parseInt (response) == 2){
          		BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
          public static void getBalance() {
          	 if (Integer.parseInt (response) == 3){
          		BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
          	moreBankingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
			   ( "Do you have more banking business?" ){
          	moreBankingBusiness= moreBankingBusiness.toUpperCase();
			  (null, "Thanks for banking with us!");

After I ran that i got this here,

Syntax error, insert "}" to complete Block
	Syntax error, insert "else Statement" to complete IfStatement
	Syntax error, insert "}" to complete Statement

	at classpractice7_1.main(
Exception in thread "main"
Oh come on, even I can work out what that means!
You have got your } in the wrong place and one too many.

public static void makeDeposit() {
  [COLOR="Red"][B]        }
          	if (Integer.parseInt (response) == 1){
          		BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
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Also, am I helping you with your home work or something as I think you need to go back to basics.
the bits you have
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class classpracyice6_2 {
static double balance = 0;
static double newBalance = 0;
static double adjustment = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
	String response;
	String moreBanKingBusiness;
	moreBanKingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("DO you want to do some banking?");
	moreBanKingBusiness = moreBanKingBusiness.toUpperCase();
	while (moreBanKingBusiness.equals ("YES")){
		response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What would you like to do?, (1=Deposit, 2=Withdraw, 3=Get Balance)");
		if (response == null)
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You clicked on the Cancel button");
			System.exit (0);
		else If (response.equals(""))
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You must make an entry in the InputBox");
			System.exit (0);
		else if (Integer.parseInt(response) < 1 | Integer.parseInt(response) > 3)
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, response + " - is not a valid banking function");
			System.exit (0);
		if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 1) {
			BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
		if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 2) {
			BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();
		if (Integer.parseInt(response) == 3) {
			BankTransaction transaction = new BankTransaction();

		moreBanKingBusiness = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Do you have more banking buiness?");
		moreBanKingBusiness = moreBanKingBusiness.toUpperCase();
	} //end of while loop
	JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Thanks for banking with us!");
	System.exit (0);
} // end of main

public class BankTransaction {
	public static void makeDeposit() {
		adjustment = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Deposit Amount" ));
		newBalance = balance + adjustment;
		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "*** My National Bank ***\n\n" + "Old Balance is: " + balance + "\n" + "Adjustment is: +" + adjustment + "\n" +	"New Balance is: " + newBalance + "\n");
		balance = newBalance;
	public static void makeWithdrawal() {
		adjustment = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter the Withdrawal Amount" ));
		newBalance = balance - adjustment;
		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "*** My National Bank ***\n\n" + "Old Balance is: " + balance + "\n" + "Adjustment is: -" + adjustment + "\n" +	"New Balance is: " + newBalance + "\n");
		balance = newBalance;
	public static void getBalance() {
		JOptionPane.showInputDialog	(null, "*** My National Bank ***\n\n" + "Your Current Balance is: " + balance );
}// ends class classpracyice6_2
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Oh come on, even I can work out what that means!
You have got your } in the wrong place and one too many.
Your right, it was done in haste, sorry

Youll be pleased to know it is not any homework. It is something I'am playing around with.
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