Banned from Ubi Soft Forums

7 Jan 2003
It seems my IP has been banned form UBI SOFT forums.

Wonder if it's got anything to do with the slating i gave Blazing Angels on their forum?

If so they must have banned most of the forum uses also :D

Useless piece of bugged software
Dont worry about it mate, UBISoft are idiots anyway. Surprised i aint been banned the amount of slating i used to give them over Rainbow Six: Lockdown.
lol like the post you made

THC_SsSsSnake said:
seemed ubisoft dont like free speech because I slated their **** Blazing Angels they banned my IP from their forums.
tough **** takes more than that to stop me posting the truth so here I am,your nearly as bad at stopping people post as releasing unfinished software
Oh FFS when people pull the pathetic (and pointless) "free speech" card out on me I ban them.

Sounds like they're silly if they don't want criticism on their forums - but is it really that silly?

Sounds like you just need to move on...
i wouldnt have minded being banned from the Blazing Angels forum because I had moved on from there but I play IL2 and I like the forums on that site and that is a ubisoft forum also :)
ben_j_davis said:
Remember when i got banned from the Lucas Arts forums for listing a few pages of serious bugs in KOTOR 2

LOL gotta love it when developers can't take criticism for the amount of bugs a game ships with. :p
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