Honest opinion... it's ok but nothing special, it actually seems a little generic and even sterile. I'm not keen on the blue either, I know the colour theory behind it but it doesn't feel welcoming to me personally.
As to the rest this is how it feels to me personally (background is product design with occasional interior design work):
Your first area has a 'wall of drinks' to display, I assume, premium products. As you have it now they're going to get lost to the viewer, it would have been better to have individual 'boxes' to separate and draw the eye to each one. It also has a bit of a supermarket aisle feel to it.
The slot machine looks like it's just stuck there because you have nowhere else to put it.
The tv's in the first image do seem a bit of an afterthought and I'm not sure their placement is good for ergonomics, the people at the bar ordering drinks wouldn't really be able to see them. Ideally they should be on the back wall behind the bar.
The second picture with the dart board.... you could be losing at least 2 seats because I know I wouldn't want to sit that close to a dart board, due to possible bouncing darts.
I also think the big tv's are out of place, they seem like an afterthought... kind of like 'I need tv's somewhere, I'll just mount them here. There's no blending them into the design of the bar or anything, say by adding a wood border/frame, they're just there and could get caught because they won't be flush to the wall.