Barebones Build

9 May 2014
Edited my old post because it was too big and mostly consisted of me trying to salvage my old system. I want to upgrade now and would love some advice on a mobo, cpu, ram and air cooler combo. Budget is £300 but I'm keen on the msi gaming series boards and I know they might stretch the budget a little.

Would welcome all advice and am looking to buy asap.
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If it's just a single card I understand you won't see much difference between PCIE3.0 card on a 2.0 slot vs 3.0 slot.

Your processor may be an issue though. Is it overclocked and can you if not? You should run some benchmarks on it to see what you can squeeze before it bottlenecks the GPU.
I'm slightly ashamed to admit it but I've never actually overclocked the system. I bought it as a mobo, cpu and ram bundle ready for overclocking back in 2008 and left everything at stock settings.
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