Bark Chippings - Kids Play Area

15 Aug 2006
Leicester UK
Hi All,

I'm thinking of putting a swing set in for the kids and want something softer than slabs for them to fall on. I've looked at matting and rubber tiles and it all looks a bit rubbish or is very very expensive.

So far I've narrowed it down to Rubber Chips/Rubberised Bark which will cost about £200 for the patch I want to do.

Or the other option is just normal play grade bark chippings, which will be half the price, but will compost unlike the first option.

My questions are: How much will natural bark compost over a year? Have you got any other suggestions?

Very useful to know, thanks. I think that the rubber ones would be worth the extra in that they give an extra cushioning effect and would keep animals away. Don't want cat poo to be part of the soft cushioning when they fall off!
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