Baroness Thatcher has died.

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There is never any dignity in death. Dictating to the majority of people to show restraint/respect for this figure who did not hesitate to voice her own stubborn opinions at the expense of millions of lives, whilst simultanously claiming to be in defense of our liberties, is absolutely disgusting imo. What absolute nonsense, that we are obliged to pretend respect for and must conform to out-dated institutions, traditions and mindless clone puppet rituals that we believe lack all foundation, benefit and even relevance to our daily lives. Stick a sock in it and hang our heads in shame? I don't bloody think so, dream on squire. Let the people have a good time for once, like the yuppies partied in the 80's after catching the early worms for the nation and supposedly lifting us out of the tired doldrums of poverty. Peace, love, light, sunshine and **** you your majesty. Etiquette, eloquence and faux respect/humility does not equal dignity or integrity - by your own measuring stick for our great and powerful, strong leaders this would be cowardice of the highest order.
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It's not really hard to test is the sad thing, create a control group & enforce a local "living wage" in an area & assess the impact & analyse the data.

That would actually be really hard to do in the real world though, ethical considerations alone would be a nightmare and the legislation involved to get the trial working would be horrendous.

It's unwise to also assume something is wrong with the method just because of where it is from (otherwise that's just confirmation bias) - they are very open about the methodology used (free to check yourself).

It's also not outlandish to suggest that some may start these initiatives upon finding the data - as in the data created the desire to engage politically.

If I stumbled upon a data-set which very strongly enabled us to predict future serial killers or rapists I'd be pretty politically motivated to bring it out - if it happened to be "left/right" (to use the bad terms) would be irrelevant.

While that may be true, the predictive capability of said studies validates it beyond any political spin.

It's also unwise to simply ignore the entire emergent field because it's results may slide one way or another - the data must speak for it'self by the merit of it's predictive capability.

I think we might have to agree to disagree with this one, too much politics involved in the field poisons any attempt at proper scientific impartiality. I would also question it's predictive ability, it certainly isn't at a level that proper science would consider valid.

Oh I genuinely agree, I feel bad that people who are economically slanted one way have to get in bed with the bigots & racists.

You also have the extreme religious.

If it makes you feel any better, I have to deal with wet softies, hippies & the kind of people who go to craft fairs :D

I feel your pain...

I don't tend to think corporate power is preferable to government power really - both are two different heads to the same dragon.

Having seen the impact of both, corporate power seems to be less damaging to me and mine personally, so if I have to choice it will be that. So far pretty much every attempt to implement a state led socialism has led to a drastic fall in living standards for pretty much everyone whilst our neo-liberal system has instead led to a different rate of increase in living standards for everyone.

Therein lies the problem.

One not easily solved as democracy seems to be our "least worst" form of government to borrow from Churchill.

I was criticising her ideology & explaining why I don't hold her up like a saint (as many here are).

Some of the comments in here are pretty embarrassing (From both sides) - making out like she's actually the devil incarnate or our saviour.

Holding her up as a saint is just deluded, crowing about her death is downright nasty (and deluded). At the end of the day I think the country would be much the same if Thatcher hadn't existed, the Unions needed to be brought in to line eventually and it was the global nature of the economy that really killed British low value heavy industry.
You would do well to read this thread properly, it is documented fact that the secret services were involved, do you concede this?

I have read the thread all the way through thanks. Have you?

Documented fact? Please show me.

I personally feel they probably were involved, as the actions of the NUM were both illegal and counter productive, costing the mining industry and the country an awful lot of money (LINK ). Their actions did create an issue for national security as it was akin to holding the country to ransom and very militant (one reason why the programme of closures was postponed was so that the NCB could stock pile coal to shield the country from striking). However, to what extent they were actually involved is a mystery, and hard evidence in the online public domain appears to be somewhat lacking. Or do you have evidence to the contrary?

, or will we laugh at you floundering?, again read this thread properly, I also never said Army were used.

Floundering? I think not. With regard to comments regarding the Army, that was my mistake and I apologise. I had mistaken another posters comments for yours.

No he didnt say in his initial post he was speaking of Stoke only,but anyway....

His initial post being this one? (note it has not been edited)

Thatcher devastated Stoke On Trent, we were a mining and steel city (as well as Pottery) but something needed doing with the greedy Miners. I was working in a factory on about £75/week but my Miner mates were getting 'millionaires' wages and wanted more more more and would keep going on strike to get it. I know it sounds like jealousy but mining jobs were 'Family' jobs and you could only get in if you had family already there. When you're working class you should all be on the same steps of the ladder and it was quite hard to share your pub with greedy Miners. Something had to happen and she was the person to do it.

I have highlighted the parts which I think show this is a personal experience post, and one being specific to Stoke. By the way, he may not have put a title in big letters saying "THIS POST IS ABOUT STOKE ONLY" but people who read it will understand it is. In case they don't, he goes on to further qualify his position in a later post. So really, your point is moot.

whilst you paint a rather soft and fuzzy picture of old guys telling you stories (yeah really lol) I for one am not stupid enough to take these tales as actual fact, yes there may be carmaraderie etc but as a concept worth alluding to in this context?

But you will happily believe the secret services were used without being able to present evidence to support it?

I work in a job where I have met hundreds of people, from all over the country and all walks of life. I have met some really interesting folks, and yes I have heard many many stories about all kinds of things. Its one of the few things I love about my job. But of course I cannot present you with evidence to that effect, so I must be lying. Correct?

I suppose I could apply the same stance to the 'story' you told about your family being involved in a mining accident. If you had told me that face to face, why would I have any reason to believe you? Afterall, you cant really call an overview of the event on Wikipedia evidence. Conversely, why would you have any reason to lie? You will most likely state how true your story is and how you have no reason to lie. True? Does that mindset not also apply to the things others say? Or does it only apply when it serves your cause?

So what do you accept as fact? Please provide details. Making blanket statements about things being "well documented" seem a little vague. Documented where? By whom? Having done some Googling this morning I cannot find this well documented evidence of which you speak, which is odd seeing as it is purportedly so well recorded. I can find plenty of information where things are suspected, or inferred, or alluded to or believed though. I find it interesting that you link to the book "The Enemy Within". Surely the contents are tantamount to stories? Hearsay? The kind of thing you have derided? Have you actually even read that book and know its contents? What makes the authors stories any more credible than those of the people I have met in my life? Or are your searches merely picking out the few reader comments made below and you feel it backs your argument?

As for the concept of miners being suspicious of outsiders in their community, I have had several people tell me this was the case. I have also been told the communities ran themselves, metering out support and punishment as it saw fit. Indeed, the stories available online certainly show a very dark side to the mining world, or are you saying that Scargille's Hit Men were a myth?

Tell that to the family of David Wilkie. His killers did five years. Not bad for killing someone eh? Strikes me as odd that killing someone is not the intent when dropping a concrete block on their car from atop a bridge, and due to miners walking out on the news of the life sentences, I suspect the reduction in sentences was politically motivated - but I cannot prove it so it surely can't be true. It does seem an odd turn for the justice system to reduce their sentences from life to just 8 (serving 5) years though, especially using such ambiguous terminology for their reasoning. I find it hard to believe that David's death was not a "natural consequence" of having a concrete block dropped on his car. Furthermore, it comes as an odd confession from Kim Howells that he destroyed everything at the local NUM offices when he heard about the killing. Guilty conscience maybe?

It may have been different in other parts of the country though. But just because something is not the norm, or the same elsewhere, does it mean that it becomes false?

,I mean seriously.
You have picked holes in nothing of mine, I said it hasnt been forgotten that Nottinghamshire miners capitulated , that is true, why would it not be?, dont claim my posts "imply" etc.

Quite right, you do a fine job of picking apart your own stance. What is true? That they capitulated or that it hasn't been forgotten that they did so? Or both? Please be more clear, and also more specific on who has not forgotten, and who you refer to when you say "it has not been forgotten". Probably best if you make yourself more clear in future. I wouldn't wan to upset you further by taking your ambiguous writing to imply something that you do not intend.

As for the Nottinghamshire miners, I can't help feeling there is some underlying envy because they had a productive mine and were receiving investment, whereas other areas were not. Perhaps maybe the area you were involved with was suffering yet they were on a gravy train? Indeed the crux of this dispute appears to be that people were not happy that the government wanted to close unprofitable, heavily subsidised mines. Looking through the Hansard website, it becomes clear that the subsidy was not sustainable, especially seeing as our European counterparts were offering double or more subsidy for their own mines. We simply could not compete.

In fact I was working in Sunderland a couple of months ago and got talking to a guy and the mining strike came up. He went practically red in the face and used expletives to describe the Nottingham lot. For him at least, there is a lot of bad blood for both the Nottingham miners and the Tories in general. Having perused some other forums from the north, it does strike me that this viewpoint is likely to be prevalent. But lacking hard evidence to support that claim, it is to be naturally disbelieved (according to your stance).

As you appear to be from Scotland, I will ask: do you have a beef with the Nottingham miners because they capitulated?

As a pro miner, can you explain why there was never a national ballot of NUM members? From my readings it would appear that the NUM knew they would not get support for a national strike because of the autonomy granted to coal districts to manage their own affairs. Some areas were doing very well for themselves (IE almost breaking even!). Nottinghamshire being one such area. It appears a national ballot would have divided the union, and Scargille couldn't have that now could he? Do you concede this is the reason the ballot was never cast, and do you also concede that the strike actions of the NUM were illegal?

you then ask who I think I am, eh? really?, bit aggressive tbh,

No more so than your proclamations that someone is wrong, calling their personal experiences garbage, or your brow-beating style of debate. Asking who do you think you are is quite apt considering your complete lack of courtesy and respect for other peoples stories and opinions. Unless, of course it is a 'story' that backs up your argument, then it is presented as fact. I get a distinct whiff of hypocrisy.

anyway you also ask what qualifies me to assess what the poster claimed. Firstly, what qualifies YOU to assess what I say?,

You have not answered my question.

In response to yours, nothing, other than a bit of research to try and qualify these facts you keep telling the forum you have presented. Facts which you keep saying you have brought to the table and yet none of your posts appear to contain any? Here's some information for you - the offer on table for the miners was a 25% increase in average pay over all other industries, but it was refused. That is a huge increase in pay. You could argue that asking for even more was indeed a little 'greedy'.

anyway I feel I am allowed to doubt these spurious claims, of which none have been verified btw, imho they are local tales and hoo ha,

You still have not answered my question.

Yes, by all means doubt. Maybe ask questions or present evidence to the contrary. But to outright call someones personal experience garbage is a little under handed, wouldn't you say? Likewise your flippant "yeah really lol" comment with regard to my own experiences further shows you lack courtesy. But then no doubt you will be on here saying I should not imply you mean something from such remarks. My counter to that will be to advise you, again, to write more clearly in future, and be less ambiguous.

As for the local 'hoo haa' being verified, what would you accept as verification? You seem happy to believe in the secret services being used in an underhanded manner, even though there is no definitive hard evidence that such is the case. So to then say you need Dimple's story verified in order to believe it is surely a contradiction in your stance? Can you explain why you are contradicting yourself, and what your reasoning is for doing so?

one in particular being mining apprentices (not trades within the mines btw) earned £60 a week in 1974 LINK, I`m calling wrong on this, and if this is indeed wrong as is overwhelmingly likely we must question the reliability of the poster.

Fair comment, it does seem to go against the grain of the average national earnings for that time. But then, Stoke, Derby and Nottingham were three areas doing pretty well from mining so it could be construed that they would pay a higher rate, especially if performance bonuses were in use as has been alluded to. It is not such a giant leap of faith is it?

However, it still does not mean what Dimple said was not true as average earnings do not show area specific earnings - ones which would not be reflected in the national average.

That is not to say what he said was 100% true, but you have hardly tabled unequivocal evidence to refute it.

How is Dimple to prove his point in order to satisfy you? Find a miner from the mid 70's and hope he still has a pay slip? But then you know the difficulty full well, hence why you are baiting him. Far harder for him to prove his experiences than it is for you to refute them based on national averages, would you agree?


I served in the Falklands conflict, NI and the first Gulf War.
I worked 20 hour days at my home barracks during the second Gulf War as I was medically unable to go.
I spent 10 years of my military life working on the forerunner to the Sat Nav you now have on your phones and in your car.

Personally, I'm proud of my life so far and glad I fought wars so you could judge me.

Im not judging you mate, merely the comments you make in this thread. I dont know you personally.

I have the utmost respect for your service. but I still believe my statement to be correct. Her actions may have been callous and seemingly uncaring and she certainly screwed a lot of people over but to call her evil just doesnt hold up imo.
Could say the same for Hitler. Should we sympathise with him?

No. Just no. NO. I have not compared Olde Thacky to Hitler.

Godwin's Law said:
As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

It's a comparison. Consider Godwin's law invoked. Sorry.

[TW]Fox;24086320 said:
The poll tax you never had to pay because it was abolished when you and I were at primary school? The poll tax is something we can look back on and decide was a pretty poor idea but its hard to see why it makes you mad given you never experienced it, like most of us here. It's like getting mad about how much tax was on alcohol in 1960 or something.

There was no Poll Tax. I think you mean the Community Charge. ;)
Mandela co-founded the armed wing of the ANC, of course he was a terrorist :mad:
Although she probably disliked him more for being a commie.

Despite all the rewriting of history by the liberal media, gushing over his every cough, sneeze and splutter, he has even admitted to being one. I can't wait for all the sycophant coverage when he dies, it will make Thatchers event look like the inquisition.

Not to mention his wife
"with our boxes of matches, and our necklaces we shall liberate this country".

Maybe you are too young to remember what "necklaces" referred to :(


But he's a leftie, love the left etc.
There was no Poll Tax. I think you mean the Community Charge. ;)

That was how you could tell those in favour of it (in general, well-off people who saw lower charges than under the old Rating system) from those not in favour (those who didn't pay rates, but did pay the Poll Tax). What a giveaway. And the differences between the Poll Tax and Council Tax are relatively minor - certainly much less than between Poll Tax and Rates.

As for Thatcher herself, I voted for her party in 1979 because yes, the previous labour government was a disaster. Thatcher brought in some good things. But for every good one well-managed idea, there were two good ideas badly managed, and three bad ideas. Example: the sale of council houses was electoral bribery, plain and simple. Yes, it allowed people who could otherwise not afford their own house to buy. But it meant that they then ran up large debts based on that fact, powering at least one recession. And more importantly, it removed a large chunk of social housing from use which has never been replaced - because there's no incentive for councils to build more. The result is councils now have to house people in private rented accommodation, increasing the riches of private landlords and actually costing more than council properties.
Funny how when a right-wing leader like Thatcher makes decisions that results in losing jobs she's the devil incarnate, yet no one goes on about Tony Benn when he over saw the sackings of thousands of workers under his government's rule.

That's right, Tony Benn, the self proclaimed champion of the working man and critisiser of policy that results in job losses pursued a policy he knew would result in exactly that happening.

Watch 23:42 through to 29:40...

..I had to laugh at how the media just 'accepted' job losses were inevitable for improvement when it was a Labour Government.
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Margaret Hilda Thatcher was the bovril of politics. Love her or hate her, you couldn't ignore her. My meetings with her were Falklands orientated. She sent us to war, a just war. She seen us as 'her boys' and she attended Falklands veterans events regularly.

These events usually involved an informal get together when she was very frank about the events of the Falklands War and those around her. Once she sat down with a small whisky, always! she talked amongst us openly. I remember one occasion about 2002 when she was vitriloic about John Nott and Francis Pym, she called them 'gutless toffs'.

There was however another side to her. She was open about her dealings with the US when they were sitting on the fence between the UK and the Argentines and said that it was her words when Nicholas Henderson (UK Ambassador to the US) said on American TV; We waited for you from 1915 to 1917. we waited for you from 1939 to 1944. How long will we wait for you this time? A remark that was designed to hit home.

As for the reasons for the war itself; forget oil, forget minerals, it was simply about right and wrong. British people had been invaded by a facist dictatorship. and in her word... "who else could they turn to"? We went and we righted a wrong and in the process left 255 good lads in the mud. I know that Maggie sat and wrote to each and every family personally. These letters were not typed, they were hand writted and I have personally, at close quarters, seen Maggie shed tears over the guys we left behind.

She wasn't perfect and she made mistakes. Theres no point talking about the miners strike or any of the other divisive issues because that discussion has been done to death. She made mistakes over the poll tax, her dealings with the EU, mind you she has been proved right over the Euro. Margaret Hilda Thatcher was my old boss, my hero, my mentor and I am hugely proud to have known her a little. I sit here holding a small whisky in her honour with a tear in my eye. She was a lion in defence of this country. She wasn't really a right wing capitalist, she was an old fashioned moralist. Right and wrong, good or bad.

RIP Baroness, the class of 82 will never forget you. Rest easy, duty done.
Margaret Hilda Thatcher was the bovril of politics. Love her or hate her, you couldn't ignore her. My meetings with her were Falklands orientated. She sent us to war, a just war. She seen us as 'her boys' and she attended Falklands veterans events regularly.

These events usually involved an informal get together when she was very frank about the events of the Falklands War and those around her. Once she sat down with a small whisky, always! she talked amongst us openly. I remember one occasion about 2002 when she was vitriloic about John Nott and Francis Pym, she called them 'gutless toffs'.

There was however another side to her. She was open about her dealings with the US when they were sitting on the fence between the UK and the Argentines and said that it was her words when Nicholas Henderson (UK Ambassador to the US) said on American TV; We waited for you from 1915 to 1917. we waited for you from 1939 to 1944. How long will we wait for you this time? A remark that was designed to hit home.

As for the reasons for the war itself; forget oil, forget minerals, it was simply about right and wrong. British people had been invaded by a facist dictatorship. and in her word... "who else could they turn to"? We went and we righted a wrong and in the process left 255 good lads in the mud. I know that Maggie sat and wrote to each and every family personally. These letters were not typed, they were hand writted and I have personally, at close quarters, seen Maggie shed tears over the guys we left behind.

She wasn't perfect and she made mistakes. Theres no point talking about the miners strike or any of the other divisive issues because that discussion has been done to death. She made mistakes over the poll tax, her dealings with the EU, mind you she has been proved right over the Euro. Margaret Hilda Thatcher was my old boss, my hero, my mentor and I am hugely proud to have known her a little. I sit here holding a small whisky in her honour with a tear in my eye. She was a lion in defence of this country. She wasn't really a right wing capitalist, she was an old fashioned moralist. Right and wrong, good or bad.

RIP Baroness, the class of 82 will never forget you. Rest easy, duty done.

Best, and probably most sensible post in the thread. :cool::cool: Had no idea she was as involved as that with the troops.
This is obviously not a regime specific comment so naturally it applies to any regime.

Supporting a regime or opposing those who would oppose it does indeed make you a sorry excuse for a human being.
Did you actually answer my point there? Hard to tell.

Pick a regime then, the one where whites oppressed blacks or the one where blacks oppressed whites.
Let me know which meaningless little politically correct solution you found yourself supporting.

Oh and send all your electronic gear back, you don't want to be seen to be supporting China do you? not with their human rights record.

It's not a principled stance if you pick and choose which side to support based on how popular it is amongst vegetarians.
That was how you could tell those in favour of it (in general, well-off people who saw lower charges than under the old Rating system) from those not in favour (those who didn't pay rates, but did pay the Poll Tax). What a giveaway. And the differences between the Poll Tax and Council Tax are relatively minor - certainly much less than between Poll Tax and Rates.

The Poll Tax was a populist name that stuck. I wasn't eligable, being a teenager at the time.

The idea was solid, and I still believe it is. I don't see why someone with a more valuable house should pay more for local services. It's a flawed assumption. Why should 2 adults living in a 4 bed house rather than a 2 bed terrace be charged more? Taking rubbish collection for example - they will broadly create the same amount of rubbish and have the same capacity dustbin. Both households benefit equally from the same streetlights installed in the locality. It's a fair system in principle.

Council Tax is more a halfway house between the community charge and the old rates system.
Margaret Hilda Thatcher was the bovril of politics. Love her or hate her, you couldn't ignore her. My meetings with her were Falklands orientated. She sent us to war, a just war. She seen us as 'her boys' and she attended Falklands veterans events regularly.

These events usually involved an informal get together when she was very frank about the events of the Falklands War and those around her. Once she sat down with a small whisky, always! she talked amongst us openly. I remember one occasion about 2002 when she was vitriloic about John Nott and Francis Pym, she called them 'gutless toffs'.

There was however another side to her. She was open about her dealings with the US when they were sitting on the fence between the UK and the Argentines and said that it was her words when Nicholas Henderson (UK Ambassador to the US) said on American TV; We waited for you from 1915 to 1917. we waited for you from 1939 to 1944. How long will we wait for you this time? A remark that was designed to hit home.

As for the reasons for the war itself; forget oil, forget minerals, it was simply about right and wrong. British people had been invaded by a facist dictatorship. and in her word... "who else could they turn to"? We went and we righted a wrong and in the process left 255 good lads in the mud. I know that Maggie sat and wrote to each and every family personally. These letters were not typed, they were hand writted and I have personally, at close quarters, seen Maggie shed tears over the guys we left behind.

She wasn't perfect and she made mistakes. Theres no point talking about the miners strike or any of the other divisive issues because that discussion has been done to death. She made mistakes over the poll tax, her dealings with the EU, mind you she has been proved right over the Euro. Margaret Hilda Thatcher was my old boss, my hero, my mentor and I am hugely proud to have known her a little. I sit here holding a small whisky in her honour with a tear in my eye. She was a lion in defence of this country. She wasn't really a right wing capitalist, she was an old fashioned moralist. Right and wrong, good or bad.

RIP Baroness, the class of 82 will never forget you. Rest easy, duty done.

Thanks for sharing that.
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