Basel to Amsterdam Ride - Training/Prep/Journey

11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Thought I'd put up a thread of my own as I can dump stuff in here and keep it all about this in one place, but quick back story; My wife used to like riding and would ride with me a fair bit, but just as she started to get into it, she found out her hips weren't good and she had to have a hip replacement (she's 33!).

She's just had this done and is now trying to recover and plan for getting fit and into riding again. She likes to have something to aim for, and we'd previously said we wanted to do a big ride, so have planned with about 12 friends so far, to ride from Basel to Amsterdam.

The route is:

It's pretty flat, so that shouldn't be an issue, it's just knocking out like 100km a day for a week that might push some of us :D but it's going to be great.

That, and I can now build the CX bike I wanted to! Haha

I'll put in here when it's happening, my plans, training up to it and will no doubt ask millions of Qs about making sure I'm well prepped for it.

Stay tuned!
That looks sweet as! Did you camp? Or stay places where you stopped? I am hoping we can have someone follow us with a vehicle as support, but would also be good to make sure we have some stuff with us as we don't know if the group will stick together etc.

How far did you guys go @Bear ?
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