Bash command not working - why?

8 May 2009
I've set up a cronjob to execute a backup script every 24 hours. It works almost perfectly except for this:

## SET THE BACK UP ROOT DIRECTORY ##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
## CLEAN UP THE OLDER FILES - REMOVE OLDER FILES ##                                                                                                                                  
rm `find $BACKUP_DIR/HOME/* -type f -mtime +3`

The issue I've identified is that the backup files are named with spaces in the file name... I know I could just change the output so they don't have spaces, but I'm curious to solve it anyway just for experience.

As an example, out put files are:

home-backup-22 October 2016
home-backup-23 October 2016
home-backup-24 October 2016
home-backup-25 October 2016
home-backup-26 October 2016


So the command fails saying something like No such file: home-backup-22... obviously missing off the month/year due to the space.

Any ideas on how to tell it to do the whole file name including spaces?

You could surround the command in double quotes:

rm "`find $BACKUP_DIR/HOME/* -type f -mtime +3`"

This will fail if you have more than one file and it's probably not what you should be doing.

You can just drop the rm altogether and let find handle the removal:

find $BACKUP_DIR/HOME/* -type f -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;

n.b. You should get in to the habit of not putting spaces in filenames, you're just making life hard for yourself.
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