Basic hosting of website

5 Nov 2011
Hello all,

Just under a year ago I paid Weebly £99 for a year of their "pro" package and to be fair, I think I had more money than sense.

I'm looking at moving my site away from them as I have a few months to get stuff right so was wondering on who to move to, I understand I want have the same CMS that I am used to (it's ok but I think I can handle something else) so was wondering about pushing my content over onto a wordpress site. Joomla looks quite scary to me.

Would I be better going through the pain and trying to host wordpress on my microserver through IIS or would it be easier to go with a relatively cheap hosting provider?

Probably looking at no more than £4 per month?
Signed up and migrated my domains over. Been with them 2 hours and already super happy with the support they gave. Going to take out the standard hosting package with them next I think.

Thankfully 123-reg let me tag away for free.
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