After my main PC had a wobbly a while ago I cobbled together a backup PC - This is basically a AMD AM1M-A system so not supersonic. I have a 120gb SSD with W7 on it I used to test this PC but I need a operating system - Years ago I tried Linux Mint but couldn't get my head around it so I am trying again.
I downloaded Mint ISO 19 and burned it to DVD - I have a clean 120 gb SSD to put it on so off I went - Downloaded and installed - Opened Firefox and logged into OCUK fine and away it went - So I decided to eject the DVD and poof !! Linux was gone - tried to do a start up and got Bootmgr not found - hit ctrl-alt-delete - nothing
Today I started again - did a new ISO disc in 32bit and tried that - all working fine till I ejected the DVD - so now I am back to square one - Is there something easy I am missing - I am useless at software so if this isn't easy I will continue with W7 - something I don't want to do - I have read loads of Linux help threads but they are way above my head- If it doesn't plug and play I am up poo street.
Cheers DXP
I downloaded Mint ISO 19 and burned it to DVD - I have a clean 120 gb SSD to put it on so off I went - Downloaded and installed - Opened Firefox and logged into OCUK fine and away it went - So I decided to eject the DVD and poof !! Linux was gone - tried to do a start up and got Bootmgr not found - hit ctrl-alt-delete - nothing
Today I started again - did a new ISO disc in 32bit and tried that - all working fine till I ejected the DVD - so now I am back to square one - Is there something easy I am missing - I am useless at software so if this isn't easy I will continue with W7 - something I don't want to do - I have read loads of Linux help threads but they are way above my head- If it doesn't plug and play I am up poo street.
Cheers DXP