Basic iTunes help - Before I throw my laptop down the stairs...

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
How the F do I put music from my computer onto my iphone?

I was running an old version of itunes on my old laptop where I can drag and drop, which died.

I have a new laptop and I'm running the latest version of itunes, which is totally different. I just imported a CD and do not understand at all how I can add it, it's maddening, arrrrgh :p

Somebody please end my misery. Many thanks :D

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Select your phone from the device list on the left
In the main pane, choose the 'music' tab
Choose one of the Sync options towards the bottom.

Im basing this on OSX and memory, but Im sure the windows version is the same.
I ended up using a third party programme to take the music off my ipod and into my new library, then I've resynced the entire thing. What a faff.
There's a programme called sharepod that you can use to get all the songs from your phone and straight into iTunes without duplicating them.

Then when you resync it just adds the new ones :)
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