Basic maths question?

3 Dec 2004

Was watching a quiz show a few mins ago and the question was "what is a 1/2 + 1/2". The guy answerd 1/4 which was correct - does that sound right.

A bit harsh! I teach adults who cannot do simple fractions. Often it is not their fault but rather bad teaching in a bad system...
I agree, it's shocking the way some people have a dig at others, because they cant do maths. Even if the maths are simple, give the guy a break.
Arcade Fire said:
Or in your head when you were twelve?

... IF he was asking the question surely the whole point is he couldn't do it in his head, whereas with the calculator all he does is type the numbers & operation and magically out pops the answer...
Arcade Fire said:
Not being able to multiply fractions in your head is fair enough. A nineteen year old not knowing that two halves make a whole is shocking.

hes not querying that, the answer was 1/4 which made him ask the question.
the answer was 1/4, however he heard the question wrong. that is all
She's right you know Arcade Fire. :p

Sure the answer to that question most of us could have done without thinking before we had even concieved of pubic thatches... But...

If he misheard the question I guess I could understand him questioning it. Granted I've been out tonight and had a few beers so right now 1/2+1/2 = 1 pint of Fosters/a quick pee.

Anyway mister!... Why didn't you come to my rescue in the "Advanced Aliens" thread when I needed some sort of clarification with regards to my poor understanding of mathematics when dealing with infinity? I was relying on you to either set me straight or tear my thoughts to bits! :p :D
lay off him tbh, its like you not being strong at something so i slate you.. and make you feel like crap. its not on.
Yeah, get off his case. I know somebody who is a genius at maths (he teaches it as well) but is, to be quite honest, a bit dense on anything else. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
I find this a little hard to understand. You wouldn't go around boasting about how you're illiterate and some people 'just find it hard' to be able to speak or write properly. Yet people don't have a problem when someone who has (presumably) been through school doesn't know how to add up.

I take the point about mishearing the question etc etc, but in general, why do people think that it's alright not to be able to do arithmetic?
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