Looking at a cheap, RCA out into amp solution for my better half who enjoys vinyl but, if I'm honest, doesn't necessarily appreciate the finer things in hifi.
She currently listens to music via a Google Home in the kitchen or a single Bose1 bluetooth speaker in the bedroom as a point of reference. Also, before it died she was using a 90s Sony midi system with integral TT.
I've got an old NAD AV amp that cost a fair bit back in the early 2000s and some Tannoy mini speakers from an old 5.1 set up.
I was going to donate those to the project and add this
Which seems to be a decent option from a company i like to support.
Before i press the button, are there any other options?
She currently listens to music via a Google Home in the kitchen or a single Bose1 bluetooth speaker in the bedroom as a point of reference. Also, before it died she was using a 90s Sony midi system with integral TT.
I've got an old NAD AV amp that cost a fair bit back in the early 2000s and some Tannoy mini speakers from an old 5.1 set up.
I was going to donate those to the project and add this
Which seems to be a decent option from a company i like to support.
Before i press the button, are there any other options?