Basin Waste

7 Feb 2004
North East
My basin waste started to leak last night; it turned out the nut underneath had snapped.

The waste I took out was siliconed in from above and below, with a rubber washer either side.

My research has led me to believe that plumbers mait is the correct thing to seal underneath. - a la

I've bought and it has a foam washer up top (which looks a bit pap tbh) and a rubber washer underneath.

I kept the rubber washers from the old waste, so was going to replace the washer above with the old rubber one.

What is the correct procedure to seal this properly?

I'm thinking

Waste - silicone - old rubber washer - silicone - basin - plumbers mait - nut

Don't bother with the rubber washer below?
Do I need to silicone the washer above, or should it seal with the pressure?

The overflow is built into the sink, so it runs in a channel and into the slot of the waste, if that makes any difference.

Any advice appreciated :)

I've pics of the parts if that's any help.
25 Nov 2009
Forget the silicone and rubber washers, scrape all the old stuff away, cowboy stuff..

put plenty plumbers mate at the top, push it through the basin, then put plenty plumbers mate underneath too pushing it up between the waste and basin, fit a solid plastic washer, pushing it into the plumbers mate over the waste underneath obviously and put the nut on, as tight as possible, pull the excess plumbers mate away and thats it..
31 Jan 2008
S Wales
Fit it as it was supplied. You dont actually need the seal on the part thats in the sink as anything that passes it would be caught underneath. The foam washer is there just to compress down to stop any much getting under the plug hole bit. Dont use any sealant there either, just give the rubber seal under a bit of mait and be done. Silicone is such a crap solution for sinks as it will shrink a bit over time where mait will stay flexible on the basis it never sets.
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