Batch cooking beginner / meal ideas

14 Jul 2005
Hi all,

Im about to embark on a weightlifting programme. Ive done it before, and managed to gain a fair bit of weight but I relied on a lot of milk and chocolate based snacks to get the required calories and thus also got quite podgy.

I want to try and do more batch cooking to get the calories in real food and less fat.

Problem is I am a very fussy eater. That's not a problem in itself because Im quite happy eating the same meal every day. I prefer simple foods.

Where I work we have a canteen so lunch is fine, I either have a sandwich or a hot meal. For eveninig meal I will usually have some form of oven cooked meal or ready meal, so a microwave curry for example, or jacket potatoes, some griddled steak or chicken, a pie and chips. etc. I only cook for one.

The meals I therefore need to cater for are breakfast and an afternoon snack. I need an afternoon snack to get the calories in, and because i need to eat a couple of hours before training session.

I am terrible with breakfast. Im just not hungry early in the morning and am often in a rush to get out the house.

So my plan is something along the following lines:
Breakfast - something that I can eat quickly, along with a glass of milk, and that isn't too stodgy. I'd like to get about 700 calories from breakfast, milk will be half of that so I need another 350 from somewhere.

Lunch - this will be in work canteen, either sandwich or hot meal. This could vary between say 400 to 800 calories depending on what's on the menu.

Afternoon snack - I'll need something I can take with me to work, heat in the microwave in its own container, and eat at about 4pm. I'd like to get about 700 calories from this.

Evening meal - if all has gone to plan I'll have about 1000 calories to find here. I'll cook some oven food at home (examples, frozen pizza; jacket potato; pasta; meat; ready meal; frozen fish/chicken). I'll have another glass of milk here and maybe a cake for desert.

This all should total up to about 3200 calories. I don't mind throwing in the odd chocolate bar, but previously I was having to gorge on a pack of biscuits at 11pm because i'd not reached my calorie target in the day.

I pretty resigned to my afternoon meal being some form of flavoured chicken (examples tikka, cajun, piri piri) that I have cooked then split into portions, along with either rice or pasta, and some veg (for example brocoli or cauliflower). Problems are:
1. It takes quite a lot of chicken, rice or pasta to get 700 calories from it.
2. I don't know how best to batch cook and what the reheating times are for microwave if all this is in a single container.
3. I do have a slow cooker but not really sure what to cook in it apart from a curry or stew.

I have no idea what to do for breakfast. I could keep boiled eggs in the fridge and eat two before leaving, which is about 150 calories, plus a glass milk. Im still short here without throwing in biscuits or chocolate.

I will need to spend a chunk of money up front on containers (need microwavable ones), and I'd need to build up a shopping list which is mostly the same every week. At the moment I have no routine here, I just go to the shops without a list, and irregularly.

Thanks for any tips.
I appreciate the reply and here is where i start to get annoying and im going to say this a lot unfortunately.

I dont like pancakes, waffles or syrup. Theres lots of things i dont like unfortunately. I do like bacon but cant cook that early in the morning due to a) time and b) cooking smells early in the morning make me feel a bit sick.
Hi @danlightbulb

Can't help with answering your question but just wanted to say high in solidarity. I suffer from ARFID and with almost 40 years living with it I know how hard life can be when you have restricted food intake.

All the best


Hey thanks. I have searched in the past to find out if my childhood eating problems were a recognised eating disorder and never found anything. Articles were always focussed on anorexia, bulemia or weight gain issues. Its nice to finally put a name to my issues.

When i was a kid i would be presented with a plate of food and either pick at it or not touch it. My parents would make me sit at the table for hours until i finished the meal which i never did as it had gone cold by then. At age 7 i was massively underweight but no one (parents, teachers, doctors) ever tried to do anything about it. In my teens i was devoid of any self confidence due to being underweight and suffered from body dismorphia but still couldnt do anything about it. It wasnt until my late 20s that i started to become more self aware and began to actively try to eat more and gain weight.

Im much healthier now and a normal weight but carry the consequences of childhood under nourishment. Im still fussy eater though, i eat what i know i like and dont like trying new things. Some tastes and visuals make me retch.
Darren Im really glad you posted. Its funny, i also love curry and dont like a sunday cooked dinner too much. I can eat meat, roasties and brocoli now but dont like peas or carrots or gravy on anything. I think it was the stewed veg kind of smells for me too, that put me off.

I found my ability to eat improved when i started drinking alcohol at 18. and spicy food is a godsend. i dont like mild, sloppy, cheesy things but can eat a pizza provided its not loaded with cheese.

I was at a work function the other week and was presented with pate. I did try it but silently gagged so just pushed it to one side. I was more than happy to eat the roast chicken though.
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