Batch edit EXIF data?

18 Oct 2002
Can anyone recommend any programs?
I've taken LOADS of photos, with the date/time settings on my camera incorrectly set, and didn't realise till it was too late.

I've found programs to painfully edit each photo at a time, but that will take way too long.

Any suggestions?
Nothing I know of that'll read in the current date/time and advance/decrease this by a certain constant amount - I'm assuming this is what you're trying to do, advance the datetime by say, 3 days and 4 hours?

However, I could have a look at knocking together a .net program (you're on windows right?) that'll do this. Not guaranteeing that it's possible, but can have a look...
Well, I was thinking of something to batch edit the date, at least. That's probably the most important thing, as at least programs like Picasa then sort things in the right date order.
The actual time of day would be good too.....but I did assume that would take some manual work.

Thanks for the offer of knocking up a program. Sounds really cool. I guess it would have to read the current date/time, add or deduct an amount of time from that and write out the result.
I wouldn't trouble yourself though ;) sounds like way too much work to me :)
HMMM I did this a while ago, but dammned if I can remember what program - ACDSEE might do it, but there are TONS of EXIF editing utils out there. I seem to remember last time I was searching that some programs offer this functionality specifially for people who forgot to change the dates between time zones . I used it to sync the times of 3 cameras whose times were a few mins out. ( I knew becasue there were some pictures with time sensitive info in them, so I could reorder based on that, and then apply to all images (about 5 thousand imageS)
just checked ACDSEE does have It (I used version 7 to check, but pretty sure version 6 has it as well, tools, Adjust Image Time stamp. It can get confusing, becuase there are a few times you can change ,file time, date image was taken, date image was digitised, acdsee databade time etc.... I'd recommend it, ACDSEE may suck generally, but It has a good few options that are indispensible.

edit to add : it also has the handy feature you need which is to change the time by an amount, rather than an exaxct time . e.g you tell it to change by 2h36m to the future, rathat than specifiying the exact time you need. Obviously this allows batch re-timing: )
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