Hello i've got a batch file script which lists mp4 files within a folder "dir /b *.mp4 > VideoList.txt" which gives me below within a text file
The Time Tunnel - S01E01
The Time Tunnel - S01E02
The Time Tunnel - S01E03
Thing is i need to add file ' to the beginning of each file name like below but i don't have a clue what to add as i'm a bit thick when it comes to this type of stuff
file 'The Time Tunnel - S01E01
file 'The Time Tunnel - S01E02
file 'The Time Tunnel - S01E03
The Time Tunnel - S01E01
The Time Tunnel - S01E02
The Time Tunnel - S01E03
Thing is i need to add file ' to the beginning of each file name like below but i don't have a clue what to add as i'm a bit thick when it comes to this type of stuff
file 'The Time Tunnel - S01E01
file 'The Time Tunnel - S01E02
file 'The Time Tunnel - S01E03
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