Bathroom tanking kit recommendations

10 Sep 2022
Hi all,

So doing bathroom, stripped it bare one wall has had to go right back to brick (2 walls are dot and dab, one wall is stud and plasterboard the last one is plasterboard glued together.)

Bathroom is going to be replastered, and tiles fitted round the bath only.

I'm undecided whether I'm going to do the tiling (really don't want to) or whether I'm going to pay someone,

What I do know is I need to tank the walls around the bath.

I'm just not sure what kit to get.

The bathroom is tiny, so to maximise space I would prefer a paint on kit.

Problem is I've only heard of mapei, bal and everbuild. But there is many more available.

The BAL kit seems like it could go wrong easily, the everbuild kit has a lot of steps and I question the quality, mapei loads of places stock their stuff but a lot of people seem to complain about it so I'm not enamored to give it a go.

I use to ask diynot for this stuff but it's full of Muppets these days so I give it a wide birth.

I've seen there seems to be a few knowledgeable folks on here so hoping someone might be able to help
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