Batman Arkham Asylum Stuttering...

10 Jan 2008
Hi all,

Got the game yesterday and it's a brilliant game but unfortunately every 20-30 seconds I'm getting stuttering / pauses. I've read a few other people are getting the same too and I've heard the patch doesnt fix it.

I havent got the latest gpu drivers (one before latest). Game settings are set to max - 1900 x 1200.

I've been told to enable triple buffering in CCC so I'll try that tonight.

Does anyone know how to solve it? System in sig.


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Did you download it or buy it? They included serveral bugs in the downloaded versions to stop piracy.

If your legal - Try and upgrade you GPU drivers and reset the ATi control panel to defaults.
Did you download it or buy it? They included serveral bugs in the downloaded versions to stop piracy.

If your legal - Try and upgrade you GPU drivers and reset the ATi control panel to defaults.

The bugs they included were more to do with game mechanics though rather than stutters etc. They borked up glide, grapple and glide kick at certain points on the pirate version so it probably is a case of uninstall and update graphics drivers.

Absolute genius anti-pirate method though hehe
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