Batman games help...

30 Oct 2014
So, ive never really played any batman games, recently I got for cheap Batman arkham asylum GOTY and Arkham city, do the story link and is one worth playing first?

Looking into arkham knight, if and when i complete these... idk any of the batman game stories, if someone cares to enlighten me <3
Play it in order, so asylum first (arguably the best) and then move onto city. After that get origin. Then by the time you finish them, knight maybe all patched up by then.
Origins story wise is set before Asylum, so I guess it depends if you want to play them in story or release order :)

It's like the Star Wars films debate :D

IMO play them in release order. I'm still on City and playing through them all is worth doing.
Another vote for playing them in release order. IMO Asylum has the wow factor of being something new whilst also being the tightest gaming experience of the bunch. City and Origins share a similar map but Origins has some new areas added, and City is the better game so would play that before Origins.

All three games are definitely worth playing.
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^ As you progress through the game the character bio's will get updated, giving you background information on how each villain came to be.
Asylum was fantastic the others not so. Knight for me was a big let down.

I would play them in release order rather than date set order tbh.
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