Battery Problem

29 Sep 2004
Wilt of the Shire
Wife tried to go to work in the Skoda Fabia this morning and wouldn't turn over an display says 12v battery almost drained. The battery has been in since new and is 9 years old now, not had much use since covid days as WFH and I'm retired now. My mate's got a smart charger I can use to get it up and running but should I just bite the bullet and replace it with a new one.

I have been looking and can source one for about £100 with the same specs as what is already in. However, I have seen cheaper ones with lower CCA (Cold Cranking Amps - I had to look it up!). Would getting a battery with lower CCA (560 as opposed to current 640) be a noticeable thing?

Hard to say for sure without a lot of details, probably wouldn't be an issue probably, though an older car with a large capacity engine can get a bit more fussy about it.

EDIT: I'd definitely replace it though at this point - sticking it on a charger with recovery functions might get it going again for a few more months and/or indefinite use in non-automotive use (my dad uses my old ones for shed lighting kind of stuff) but likely be unreliable again next winter.

I often source mine from Tayna for what it is worth - reasonable prices and good service so far.
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Hard to say for sure without a lot of details, probably wouldn't be an issue probably, though an older car with a large capacity engine can get a bit more fussy about it.

EDIT: I'd definitely replace it though at this point - sticking it on a charger with recovery functions might get it going again for a few more months and/or indefinite use in non-automotive use (my dad uses my old ones for shed lighting kind of stuff) but likely be unreliable again next winter.

I often source mine from Tayna for what it is worth - reasonable prices and good service so far.
Thanks, that's fully made my mind up to buy a new one now.

I have been looking at Tayna and they range from £70 - 100 for my car, the Varta one is £100 and has 640 CCA so will probably just got for that.

It's becoming an expensive month for my Fabia, 4 new tyres and now this! Perhaps it's good that I couldn't get a 9070XT :cry:
Match the specs of the OEM battery. If the Skoda/VAG folks put a 640 CCA battery in as standard, it was because they though it needed it in extreme conditions.
Match the specs of the OEM battery. If the Skoda/VAG folks put a 640 CCA battery in as standard, it was because they though it needed it in extreme conditions.
The Varta battery is 640 CCA so gonna go with that one. Not sure Wiltshire can be classed as extreme conditions though :D
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I would stick with the 640 Spec, if they thought it needed that high Spec then it probably needed it
Definitely bite the bullet and get a new one. At 9 years old, and having been discharged, means that it's probably on it's last legs. From experience, it really isn't worth charging it and trying to eek it out for another few months - it'll just end up leaving you stranded somewhere at the worst possible time.
it'll just end up leaving you stranded somewhere at the worst possible time.
Exactly, cars never breakdown when you're just parking them up to not be needing them for the next 3 weeks, 9 years out of a £100 battery is good going, I would just bite the bullet and replace it
My skoda batt died about 10years in. Definitely replace, recommend Varda Gold or something like that. Has a high cold-crank start capacity for a diesel.
Ordered the Varta one, should be here in a couple of days. Luckily don't need the car this week.
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