Battle For Middle Earth II

10 Jul 2006
Anyone got this?

Me and a mate got this early in the afternoon and were still playing it lol.

We havent tried War of the ring yet is that any good?

We are currently powering through the campaign missions :D
war of the ring is ok if thats the campaign.

whats the strategy planning / civ / total war option thingy again - i couldn't stand that. tried to get used to it for a bit and dumped it.

ranked online games are all i play for now.
Bezinator said:
Anyone got this?

Me and a mate got this early in the afternoon and were still playing it lol.

We havent tried War of the ring yet is that any good?

We are currently powering through the campaign missions :D
I'm in the middle of a War of the Ring campaign. It gets a bit annoying as you can often just storm them from the off and win. :(

It's worth playing though, as it has a few important maps that didn't feature in the main campaigns.
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