Battlefield 2 1.2 patch in action (video)

Looking good.
The gl mod looks like it's actually going to be more useful now, bouncing grenades around corners could be quite handy ;)
I can see people getting more kills too as the prone spammers and dolphin divers (learnt these terms recently) are gonna get nailed now they have been crippled :)
AA looks like it is actually effective now.
Visable and destuctable UAVs :cool:

Well done EA + Dice :D
AA looks dam lethal now, its going to be a nightmare heh. Would have liked to seen how it copes with planes really since helis can allready be taken with present AA

How much armour does UAV have hrmm, at least we know when we're being watched now
woooo downloading now, but its taking ages as im on my wireless network which downloads at abbout 2 kb lol.

Lookin forward to this vid!

edit:woo it pirked up. 6kb! I will have it in 20mins!
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blah, i have the file but i need to download divx lol, thats even bigger then the vid!

right fina;y watched it, man it looks fantastic, cant wait for this patchits going to change some of the things I hate in BF2.
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I love flying helicopters and this doesn't look good. They are already stupidly easy to take out if you know what your doing. I agree they are slightly overpowered though. But now it looks like they are going to be totally worthless.
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Clanmate served in OIF over in the sandbox, and he was telling me they use the fact M203 grenades have a timing fuse to bounce them behind cover before going off :D

Bit of realism AND should stop "nade at feet noob tubers".

The UAV reminds me a bit of Delta Force: Land Warrior...
Tried the link and just getting an error, looks like its been removed. Anyone got another link or could host it?
thanks for hostin the vid in the first place, its made me really hopeful abbout the coming patch, the fixes look good!
I hated the desrt combat AA rockets. I love the anti air stationary posts in bf2 but only when they get an upgrade :)
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